Page 54 of Forbidden Flesh
A man with satyriasis
Jess doesn’t say it, but it’s there, floating above us in the room. I never thought Jess would be judgmental, given everything we’ve been through.
“Dude, she was kicked out of Ohio by the football team. That asshole, Zack, screwed with her future and put her brother in a bad place. He has to play, look at the asshole that fucked with his little sister’s future, and play football with him. He humiliated her. Hurting her is the last thing she needs. She is not like the girls you hang around with,” Reid says.
He means the kind I sleep with.
"Are you saying I’m too dirty for her? I'm too fucked up to be serious with a girl like Melody.”
“I didn’t say that,” Reid says defensively.
“I like her.”
“You like a lot of girls, Valen. Pick one on campus, have fun, and move on to the next. It’s what has always made you happy. You used to be more outgoing. You didn’t care about one girl when you could have your pick. This is your senior year. Yeah, it sucks that you have to marry Melissa, but she'll let you do it. She doesn’t care who you fuck. She doesn’t expect anything.”
“So I can’t have a meaningful relationship? You guys can, but I can’t.”
I can’t believe this. I can’t believe they think I’m incapable of loving someone.
I get up, having heard enough of this bullshit. I thought they would understand. I thought Jess would understand and encourage me to have a relationship with someone.
“Where are you going?” Jess says it with a concerned edge to her voice.
I gotta go. I have practice. Say hi to the munchkin for me. She’s gorgeous.”
I do have practice, but it’s in two hours. Reid is giving me a look that says he knows this.
Jess gives me a peck on the cheek that I don’t return. I fist-bump Redi and walk out.
I’m walking to my Porsche when the front door opens, and Jess rushes toward me.
“Valen, wait…” She stops in front of me with a soft expression. “I’m sorry about what I said back there. I didn’t mean it the way it sounded. I can’t forget the way you were with me when I was going through my own shit. I’m sorry for the way I acted. It was insensitive.” She blows out a puff of air. “Melody, huh?”
I nod. “Yeah, I like her.” I look at the key fob in my hand and then at her. “I want to date her. I want…”
“What?” she asks. “What is it that you want?”
“I want to be with her, Jess. I want her to fall in love with me, and I don’t know how, and I’ll do anything to make that happen.”
“Is that why you got her the scholarship? It was you that made sure she didn’t get back to Ohio, wasn’t it?”
“In a way. I didn’t want her to be around that asshole. There wasn’t enough to get him kicked off indefinitely, and his parents are lawyers. I didn’t want people sniffing around. I didn’t want to draw any more attention to Melody. She’s…different.”
She nods. “That makes sense, but what are you going to do about Melissa? And I know Reid isn’t going to ask in front of me, but was it you?”
I snort. “You didn’t think I was going to marry her, did you? And no, I didn’t have anything to do with the dead kid. It wasn’t me. It wasn’t us.”
“As for Melissa, I’ll never marry that bitch. She’s horrible and a jealous crazy bitch that doesn’t know if she likes dick or pussy.”
Jess smiles in agreement. “I couldn’t agree more.” Her smile falls, like she just thought of something bad. “Make sure she doesn’t know about Melody, and if she does, make sure she stays away from her Valen.”
“I know.”
“Does Melody know about Melissa?”
“Not yet. It would kind of ruin my chances of asking her out on a date.”
Technically, lunch at my restaurant was a date, but she didn’t know that.