Page 56 of Forbidden Flesh
The front door opens and Azriel appears with a smile. “Changed your mind?” he says with a grin.
I close the door to my car with the Ulta bag in hand. “Not yet, but I got you something.”
His eyebrows raise in surprise. “For me?”
I walk inside. “Yeah. I hope you won’t be mad, but I thought…” I trail off.
I didn’t think about his feelings when the thought popped in my head. Shit. I hope he won’t hate me after this. I meant well, but he could be sensitive about his acne.
Valen said he only had Mrs. Mallory as a mother figure. She’s an older woman probably in her late sixties. She might not know what options are available for sensitive skin. Skin care has come a long way nowadays, but that doesn’t mean he might not get offended.
“What’s in the bag?”
I sit on one of the stools in the kitchen and begin taking out the items. The five-step kit, cleanser, night cream, wash pads, and exfoliator.
He looks at all the items spread out on the marble countertop. He picks up the kit and reads. I watch as recognition plays out on his features. My stomach clenches when he doesn’t say anything and stares at the box. He slowly places it on the counter and then glances at all the other items.
“I thought this would be good for you to try. I hope you’re not mad at me,” I say in a soft voice.
He looks up. “I could never be mad at you, Melody. Thank you,” he says with a soft expression. “How does it all work?”
I inwardly sigh in relief, open the box, and read the instructions. He sits on the stool next to me, and I place the items in order. I explain what each one does, how to use it, and when. He listens intently. After a skin test to make sure he isn’t allergic to anything, I start to apply the cream to his skin.
After he washes his face, he sits in front of me, and I can’t help but compare him to Valen. There are similarities and differences.
“Do you have a girlfriend?” I ask.
He shakes his head slowly, trying not to move so I don’t get the cream in his eyes. “No.”
“Have you ever had a girl…”
I pause with the cotton pad in midair. “How come?” I ask in disbelief.
He points at his face. “I don’t think girls dig the pizza face.”
“I’ve seen worse in high school. Trust me, girls would dig you.”
He shrugs. “I’m not my brother.”
I smile. “No, you’re not. You’re you, and that is all that matters. Besides, I think you’re cute.”
His eyes widen as soon as the words leave my mouth. “You think I’m good looking?”
I do. He is cute and sweet. He could have any girl if he would talk to one.
“Why would you think you aren’t?”
“I thought I wasn’t because…”
“Of you having acne on your face?”
“Almost all the guys I’ve come across at school have acne. Some more than others. Girls, too. Except girls are more self-conscious about the way we look all the time. We have makeup and a slew of products to choose from to cover it all up.”
“I think mine is really bad.”
“It’s not that bad, Azriel. Nothing a good skin care routine won’t fix.”