Page 39 of Force a Date
I can’t help but gape at him for a second, but I know what’s awaiting me in the other room. “I need to go slave away in the kitchen,” I mutter back, even though I don’t want to. “My mother is expecting me.”
He gives me more of a tug, and it doesn’t take much for my body to agree to just go with him and settle down on the couch. Our thighs immediately brush and press together before a sandwich is presented to me to eat, followed by a whole bag of chips.
He doesn’t have to ask me twice because I, for one, am starving. Mom was in there making salads for us to eat and I like salads, but I love carbs and salty snacks more.
“Will you protect me if my mom comes in here and tries to snatch this sandwich from me?” I bat my eyes at Hudson and he remains shockingly unaffected.
“Yeah, going to battle for a turkey sandwich is what I’ve been training for,” he deadpans with severity. “I got you.”
I smile because he might be a complete buzzkill in most situations, but I really enjoy the comebacks.
Watching the baseball game with ease, I’m always conscious of our bodies against each other’s. Of every bite he takes and his slow breathing at my side.
I’m a bit tense, not used to him being so close for such an extended amount of time, but he’s playing his role.
One I bitched at him about a little last night which was probably more of a turn-off. The man really is a damn saint, if you think about it. He owed me nothing and decided to do this stupid family gathering.
Mind you, I’m still happy to be up here with my dad. But Hudson didn’t ask to spare his weekend with folks he didn’t know, and my mother, of all people.
I barely register his fingers laced through mine before he brings my hand up to his lips and presses a soft kiss to the top of it.
My breathing hitches. The warmth of his lips on my skin tingles and sends an excited yet nervous thrill through my body like a lightning bolt.
I don’t understand why he did it until I notice Norah striding in the room with her golden browns locked on us.
“Mom sent me to get you.”
Of course she did.
And I notice that Hudson hasn’t released our fingers, propping our joined hands against his upper thigh, which is causing my brain to malfunction a little bit.
“I’ll—um… I’m watching the game with Dad,” I reply in a daze as I try to blink away the look of stupidity that I’m sure is blanketed all over my face.
“Mom wants you.”
I stare at Norah like she’s grown a second head, and I wonder why. Why does she always follow every single order of my mother’s like it’s her job? Why would she want to? It must be exhausting to live in her shadow twenty-four seven and cater to my mother’s needs, but that’s what I did here. I’m no better than Norah, never thought I was, but on the flip side, I do knock heads with our mother quite often.
And I want the cord to snap.
“And I said I was watching baseball with Dad,” I retort evenly. “I’m sure you’re keeping her company just fine.”
Norah’s jaw locks a bit as a glower transforms her face. “I never said I wasn’t. But?—”
“Norah, sit down,” Dad commands with a wave of his hand and I notice she’s standing in his way. “Have a sandwich.”
“I don’t eat bread.”
“You ate garlic bread last night,” Hudson pipes in, causing a spread to cross my lips that I have to fight down.
Hudson lays my palm across his thigh so that I’m obviously still touching him and I freeze. He really doesn’t know what he does to me and I’d love to keep it that way. Each inch he gives me, I want to take a damn mile. My rebellious streak wants to wave its little flag and do some crazy, reckless shit.
“I don’t think Sam is going to want a woman that eats like a bird,” Hudson claims, reaching for another sandwich. “Especially when you wanted, what was it, six kids?”
Norah props her hand on her slim hip. “What does that have to do with anything?”
The man at my side takes a huge bite of his sandwich and talks with his mouth full when he says, “Men love when women eat. Especially when you’re creating life. A diet isn’t cute.”