Page 86 of Force a Date
Like he would.
Hudson would no sooner show up here than my fairy godmother would, waving her magic wand around and turning my sister and mother into mice.
LIV: *thumbs-up emoji*
HUDSON: Just for that, I’m really going to spank you, Opie.
LIV: Go talk to someone your own age.
HUDSON: I have something for you.
LIV: Hard pass. You were an asshole to me earlier and you don’t get rewarded with my presence for that.
HUDSON: Let me say sorry then.
LIV: Let me save you the trouble. I won’t accept it.
HUDSON: You don’t want to be in there with your mom, Opie. Unless your date is doing more than enough to keep you company. Then I’m going to have to slash his tires.
LIV: What are you, sixteen?
HUDSON: No, I’m jealous.
My fingers instantly freeze over the keyboard of my screen, rereading his words over a dozen times and not believing them for a second. It feels almost impossible that he could be jealous of anyone, especially when he could get anyone.
LIV: I don’t believe you.
HUDSON: Let me make an ass out of myself then. I want to see you.
LIV: Feel free to knock on the door and meet my date then.
HUDSON: Do you want to break a piece of your mother’s furniture with your date’s head?
I don’t answer him because he wouldn’t. Mom would call the cops. Dad would probably watch. And Norah would be a screaming mess.
And I…would be full of mixed emotions, but poor Spencer. The dude doesn’t deserve that when he didn’t do anything wrong.
HUDSON: Don’t kids still climb out windows?
LIV: You want me to break my neck now?
HUDSON: Tell me which one and I’ll catch you.
LIV: Are you serious right now?
HUDSON: I’m always serious.
HUDSON: Come outside. And then you can tell me to fuck off.
LIV: I thought I already did.
HUDSON: Say it to my face.
I’d love to punch him in the head, but I’d love to tell him off first then maybe slap him upside the head.
LIV: Go to the back of the house. I’ll be hiding in the bathroom.