Page 71 of Forced Union
And I have only myself to blame.
The shopping plaza’s packed this close to Christmas. People all around are either in a frenzied hurry or casually window shopping, there’s very little in between. Sophia, Ginevra, Ravenna, and I are in the casual shopping category. Often in the way and a cause of annoyance to those on a mission to get from one store to the next in a rush.
Our security detail is having a hell of a day too, trying to assess whether any of the people who bump into us are threats.
Cian, Ravenna’s Irish mafia husband, wanted to bar the public from shopping here for a day. Roman even went as far as to suggest buying the place so he could have full control of the venue’s security. Dimitri thought that was an excellent idea.
But we talked them out of it on the basis that it would be unfair to the rest of the people trying to do their holiday shopping this weekend. After much back and forth, we finally settled on a five man security team on the ground and two snipers on the rooftops. Just in case anything were to happen.
With hot cocoas in hand, we make our way from store to store and it’s reminiscent of the old days when we’d all hang out together more regularly. Gin sings along to the poppy holiday songs, while I tell her to keep her voice down. We don’t want to get escorted out for causing a disturbance.
Sophia and Ravenna admire every shiny object like a pair of magpies. I run my fingers over the silks and satins, loving the smooth textures.
“Here’s the men’s section,” Sophia announces, immediately going to the ties. “What do you think? Purple or blue? I already bought Roman a pair of diamond cufflinks, so this is just a little something extra.”
Ravenna and Gin say, “Purple.”
I point to the blue.
Sophia chuckles. “Sorry girls, when it comes to fashion sense Arianna knows best. Blue it is.”
“Arianna knows best,” Gin grumbles. “Why am I never the best at anything?”
“You’re the best at having a good time,” I point out.
“Says the event planner who doesn’t know how to party,” Gin shoots back.
I sigh. “Our definitions of party are entirely different.”
“Will you two stop it?” Sophia purchases the tie, then we’re on to the next store.
“Speaking of employment,” Ravenna says. “I recently got a job.”
I perk up. “Oh? Where are you working?”
“Well.” She blushes, letting her deep auburn hair shield her face. “It’s nothing like what you and Sophia are doing. I don’t have big goals like running an event planning business or becoming a museum curator.”
“Spit it out.” Gin elbows her.
“I’m a secretary. I’m working at a real estate development firm.”
“That’s nothing to be ashamed of, Rave. I’m so proud of you.” I hug her to show that I really mean it.
Sophia smiles. “I’m happy for you. Do whatever makes you happy.”
Gin nods. “Being a secretary is cool.”
“I just had to get out of the house and be around normal people for a while. Cian is great, but he’s busy all the time and I’m left to my own devices most days. I was going stir crazy. Not that finding a job was easy.” Ravenna smirks. “Cian hated everyone I wanted to work for until I found this place. He denies that he’s okay with this job because my boss is a woman instead of a man, but I know that’s a lie. Have you noticed how feral they get when another man is around? It’s insane.”
Sophia and I exchange a knowing glance and say, “Yep.”
“Boys, boys, boys, is that all you can ever talk about?” Ginevra pouts. Since she’s the boy-crazy one her statement is cause for concern.
I whisper to Sophia, “What’s wrong with her?”