Page 1 of Mountain Man's Need
The hall eruptsin cheers when my brother throws his bride over his shoulder and carries her out through the doors that lead to the hall.
Mesa was injured while fighting the forest fire that torched Placer Canyon a couple seasons ago. For a long time, we didn't know if he was even going to be able to walk again. Seeing him dance at his wedding was pretty cool.
Mom's still wiping tears out of her eyes.
The music continues, people start dancing. It's pretty clear the newlyweds aren't planning on coming back to the reception any time soon. Everyone starts to go back to enjoying the party.
"Do me the honor?"
The deep voice comes from over my shoulder and when I turn around, I can't help the exasperated sigh.
Deputy Hawkins stands there, his hand held out politely, with that hopeful puppy dog look in his eyes.
I turn him down and make a quick getaway, knowing he’ll follow me if I head for the buffet table and God knows he'll throw a fit if he sees me sneaking a drink from the bar.
Technically, our state makes exceptions for underage drinking on private property with certain adult permission. With only a few more months till my twenty-first birthday, my folks are fine with me having a beer at my brother's wedding.
But Hawk is one of those by-the-rules types. Everything is black or white to guys like him, no room for bending rules, let alone actually breaking a few.
Just to fuck with him, I head for the bar anyway. Stopping to give my grandmother a hug on the way, I see Hawk out of the corner of my eye. Sure enough, he's watching me.
"Come sit with us, Mija," Abu's eyes shine with mischief and whiskey as she pats the seat of the chair beside her. "Alice and I were just--"
"Uh uh." I put my fingers in my ears to make it clear I don't want to know what she and Alice were"just.""Plausible deniability, 'lita,"
Alice barks a laugh and downs one of the shots of amber liquid that are lined up on the table between the old women.
"Smart girl," Abu coos at me, running a gnarled hand over my hair and giving me a loving-- but drunken-- smile. "Are you having fun?"
"A blast," I tell her, dropping a kiss against her forehead. "Please don't get in trouble tonight." I shoot a warning glare first at my grandmother and then at her notorious accomplice.
Abu picks up one of the shots and Alice gives me her best innocent old lady expression.
These two are anything but innocent and, if tradition holds, they will be on their absolute worst behavior tonight.
Anytime there's a wedding on this mountain, my abuela and her friends get into trouble.
We've had to drive down to the sheriff's substation in town and bail Abu out of jail more than once. Although Hawkins does seem to have a soft spot for Abu and her friends. Since he's been assigned to Moonshine Ridge, I don't think any of the Infamous Four have actually been arrested. He just takes them to the station and calls family to come pick them up.
My eyes dart over to the man in the sheriff's uniform hovering nearby.
Ugh-- and what's up with the uniform? I swear, he wears that uniform all the time. It's like it's his actual skin. I don't think the man even owns regular clothes.
Hawk took over the deputy position a couple of years ago. Moonshine Ridge is a small town, so everyone knew him inside of about a week but he's ex-military, he was in the Marines like my oldest brother, Vale. They bonded right away and now he always seems to be around. He's like part of the family now.
"Why don't you dance with the deputy, sweetheart? He likes you."
Alice snickers behind her hand and eyes another shot glass before getting to her feet.
"Abuela, ewww. He can't even grow a beard, he looks like a teenager." Scrunching up my nose at the thought, I give her another quick hug. "I love you 'lita. I'm serious, no trouble tonight."
"Got us a ride. Let's go." Alice calls to my grandmother and Abu jumps up eagerly to join her friend.
"Don't worry, I'll get 'em both home safe," Hawkins assures me with a polite nod of his head when I turn to see my grandmother and her friend practically pulling him out the door.