Page 10 of Mountain Man's Need
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Those books were indecent.Reading the first one made me feel dirty-- not because the material was so outrageous, but because I felt like I was invading Terra's privacy in a way.
I knew she read romance and I knew she liked the ones with the sex scenes left in, but up until a few nights ago, I had no idea what a "dark" romance was, let alone just how dirty a dirty book can be and still get labeled "romance."
The thing hadflowerson the cover for fuck's sake.
By the time I finished it, I had to read the rest of the series...and now I have a better appreciation for the woman sitting across from me now.
Terra's a rebel and she hates being told what to do-- so getting a look at what turns my little rebel on was downright enlightening.
I'd be lying if I said I'd never thought about how much I'd like to tie her to my bed and tease her till she begged me to let her come.
Now I know she'd like it.
The way the dark eyes staring at me are nearly black now with her pupils dilated and those thick lips made for sucking dick are parted like that's what's on her mind too, tells me that she's all too aware that I know her secret now.
My dick is uncomfortable in the starched uniform trousers, rising up to fight my belt for space while the zipper threatens to leave a mark where it's cutting me in two.
The moment of tenseness between us passes after a beat or two of silence with our eyes locked. Then she drops her gaze and rifles through the pages of her book in search of the place that was lost.
I drink my coffee and finish the pastry that April saves for me every morning.
"Terra, I wanted to ask you if--"
Her hand raises as if to stop me, but she doesn't look up from her reading.
"Sparrow told me why you were at the house with the guys the other night," she says in a flat tone laced with cynicism. "Not interested."
Just like that, we've gone from one extreme to the other-- fire to ice-- making me wonder what the hell just happened.
One minute Terra was eye-fucking me. She practically had visible thought bubbles hovering over her head that said "Fuck me, Daddy," in them and now she's back to giving the me the same cold shoulder she's been turning on me for months.
"What did Sparrow tell you?" I ask, half wondering out loud and half asking in earnest. What could Vale's wife have said to Terra that has her shutting me out so completely?
This time, Terra carefully places the bookmark into the crease of the pages to keep her place before closing the book and looking up.
There's heat there, but not the same as before.
Pretty brown eyes narrow, glancing over me and hovering a beat on the badge pinned over my left breast above the tag with my last name embroidered on it, then rest back on my own eyes.
"You know it's not the eighteen hundreds anymore, right?"
She doesn't wait for me to respond.
"Women actually get to decide who we date these days. We get to decide who we date, who we marry, and who we fuck. If you want to ask my father for a date, date him. Same goes for my brothers."
I hadn't realized how loud her voice had gotten till I hear a couple men laughing from near the counter.
"Told ya so," Mesa's voice booms across the small cafe, followed by more laughter from both him and his brother-in-law, Ozzie, standing with him.
"Ugh! You guys are suchpigs!" Terra grabs her book and her coffee from the table, shouting at her brothers and, I'm pretty sure, all men, as she stomps out of the cafe with steam billowing from her ears.
"What just happened?" April questions from behind the counter as she slides a couple to-go cups across the laminate toward Mesa and Oz.
"Oh nothing," Mesa answers, "just my baby sister handing the deputy his ass.”