Page 21 of Mountain Man's Need
Jumping up on the step rail, I lean through the window and kiss my grandmother carefully on the cheek, trying to avoid the darkening bruise.
Mesa slips the truck in gear and Abu raises her window, waving at me with a sly grin as they pull away from the curb.
* * *
Today might have beenthe single worst day on the job since I took the post in Moonshine Ridge.
Despite jacking off twice after I got home last night, I didn't get any sleep. All I could think about was Terra's sweet moans while she was coming on my hand for me in that cold, musty shed. I'm never going to be able to go in there again without getting hard.
I never did find out why she was in there. And the reason I never found out just keeps reminding me that what happened was off the charts inappropriate. I should never have let things get so out of control.
Then I remember the dangerous flash in her eyes and the way she accused me of not wanting toplay--I never wanted toplayso damn bad in my life-- and that just leads to another session of jerking myself off, thinking about a dozen other games I want toplaywith that woman.
On top of not getting any damn sleep last night, I didn't make it to the cafe this morning which meant not just missing out on the caffeine I could have used to get through the day, but I didn't get to see Terra either.
Too damn busy driving down to Keller's Ferry to help them out with some trouble they're having down there.
I was feeling pretty grateful to get back up on the Ridge where crime consists of consists of crossing outside the crosswalk when Ginny Sanderson called me out to the Smalls place with a very strong suggestion that I do a wellness check-- only to find the infamous four brawling in the yard like hellcats.
When I got there, it was obvious there'd been more than eighty-year-old fists flying. One side of Marcia Diaz's face was already purple, Vera Jones had half a toothpick jabbed in her arm, and it took genuine effort to pull Mable Hart off of Alice McAllister.
Of course, Howard wouldn't say a word about what happened. He's not going to press charges for the property damage and I know it. But dammit if those old women didn't clam up quiet as a fucking crypt rather than snitch on each other.
In the two years that I've served on the Ridge, I've seen those women pull all kinds of shit on each other. Hell-- I've helped them pull shit on each other-- but I never thought I'd see the day when Alice McAllister would sit in the back of my car with an ice pack against a bleeding bald spot where Mable ripped a chunk of hair clean out of her scalp, swearing up and down that it was an "accident" and of course she wouldn't be pressing charges against her "good friend."
I had to call Mesa to bring the fire station's small truck out so I could keep them separated while we transported all four of the women to the station.
On the ride back to the station, I listened to Mable and Vera drunkenly remind me of all the reasons I wasn't going to book them on any charges. I think Mable actually called me their "bitch."
It's actually funny now, looking back on it after all four of them have been picked up by family and I'm off the clock and free to go home.
The sub-station down in Keller's is on call for the next few days and I have a few real days off to look forward to.
I'm ready to get out of the uniform, take a long shower, and enjoy a cold beer. Or two.
I was hoping to see Terra today. Since I missed her this morning, I'd planned on stopping by the center before she closed up for the night. Of course, by the time I got out of the station, she was long gone and I think she's the only one of the Diazes that I don't have a personal phone number for.
In the shower I fist my cock again, thinking about the way she forbade me from apologizing while she rubbed the indentations the cuffs left in her wrists.
Fuck, I felt like an asshole for taking advantage of the situation like that. It was a straight up abuse of power and there's no excuse for my behavior… but when I reply the way she looked at me after--flushed and sated and staring at me like she was really seeing me for the first time, the dark promise in her words-- that there could be a next time, reminding me that last night only happened because she let it.Wantedit— it sends me over the edge, causing me to paint the tiled shower wall with another load of cum that was meant to get shot deep inside my little rebel's womb.
A few minutes later, I find myself wandering through the kitchen with an unopened beer in one and my phone in the other.
I could call one of the guys, or Marcia-- scratch that, I'm not ready to talk to Marcia after today-- but Vale would probably give me Tee's number. Or I could drive up to the homestead to see her in person.
I hate that I didn't get to see her today. It's not right to have done what we did last night and not talk to her today.
Deciding that maybe it'd be better to call her than show up uninvited, I pop the bottle cap off the beer and type out a quick text, hoping to get her number.
While I wait on the answer, I head back up the stairs to the master bedroom where I left the TV on, settle on the corner of the bed and start flipping through channels.
As soon as I saw Moonshine Ridge, I knew this was going to be my home for the long haul. I bought the house with money I'd been saving for just that reason and a GI loan.
It's way too much house for just me, but the plan was always to fill it with a family eventually. I just didn't know who I'd be having that family with or how long it would be.
Now I know I bought this house for Terra. Five bedrooms that we'll be filling with kids and might even have to add on-- I remember her saying she wants a big family like the one she comes from and I can't wait to give it to her.