Page 44 of Kingston's Rival
Recognizing the man wasn’t the problem. No, the problem was the gun he had gripped in his hand and was pointing directly at Persy and Casper.
“Mr. Rezcov, I presume?” Casper prompted lightly.
“What if I am?” he returned aggressively.
He shrugged. “I’m just curious to know if your employer knows you’re having an affair with his wife?”
The man’s cheeks flushed red along the sharp edge of his cheekbones. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, come on,” Casper chided. “You have to give us points for tracking you down this far, at least. You could also let us speak to Martyna.”
Casper rolled his eyes. “Look, I know you aren’t stupid, so could you extend us the same courtesy?”
“I don’t—”
“Put the gun down and let them in, Piotr.” Martyna was smiling as she placed a reassuring hand on Piotr’s arm, now standing beside him in the doorway. “I believe they are both overdue an explanation.” She tilted her head as she gave Casper an assessing glance. “Mr. Kingston has a broken arm, so I very much doubt he’s going to prove too much of a problem.”
Casper scowled at being dismissed so easily. “You forgot my secret weapon.”
Martyna’s brows rose. “Your gun?”
“No, me.” Persy stepped forward. “I was in the English Special Forces and could disarm and put Mr. Rezcov on the ground in five seconds.”
“If necessary,” Casper drawled. “Is it going to be necessary?” he prompted the other man.
Martyna pushed down Piotr’s arm until the gun he held was pointed at the hallway floor. “No, it isn’t,” she assured lightly. “Please, come inside.”
“Well done for working this out, by the way,” Persy murmured as she and Casper stepped inside Apartment 4b.
He shrugged. “As soon as I took away the fact there was no evidence of Martyna ever leaving this building, the only explanation was that she didn’t leave.”
“Which you realized far sooner than anyone else did,” she approved.
“It doesn’t solve the problem of how Martyna and her lover are going to get out of the country and away from Morozov.”
“They seem to have organized themselves this far, including involving me in helping Martyna escape”—she gave an obviously self-disgusted snort for having allowed herself to be used in that way—“so I’m pretty sure they’ve thought through the next steps they need to take too.”
They had.
Martyna explained that she and Piotr had fallen in love shortly after Piotr came to work for Morozov six months ago.
Infiltrate Morozov’s organization might be a better description of Piotr’s intention, when it seemed that he and his three brothers ran their own less-than-legal business in Poland. Piotr had become bodyguard to Morozov so that he could learn all there was to know about the older man’s illegal dealings in Russia. The four brothers eventually intended to take over that business.
Piotr’s three brothers would be arriving at a secluded London dock the following night in a speed boat to pick up Piotr and Martyna and take them out of the country. After that, they had new identities set up for them to live together as husband and wife in the Caymen Islands.
Once they were settled and Martyna’s five-year marriage period had successfully passed, Piotr had lawyers in place in London to sue Morozov for a divorce on Martyna’s behalf. Those lawyers would be demanding a large settlement.
“Not that we need his money, because my brothers and I have our own money through…less-than-legal activities in our own country,” Piotr acknowledged unabashedly. “But the three bodyguards who were executed were friends of mine and Martyna’s,” he added grimly. “Martyna wishes to give most of the divorce settlement to their families.”
“Vadim had no reason to have them shot,” Martyna said heavily.
“I would have preferred to just shoot Morozov and have done with it,” Piotr rasped. “But Martyna believes he will suffer more if his business is taken from him and their divorce results in her taking half his fortune.”
“Unfortunately, on that subject, she’s probably right,” Casper conceded with a grimace.
Piotr nodded. “But if he continues to prove difficult, or to hound Martyna in any way, then he will be eliminated and Martyna will inherit all of his money,” Piotr stated without apology.