Page 52 of Kingston's Rival
“Mal drove me into town so I could collect the car. I was going to propose on my knees beside it. It even has a yellow bow on the dashboard.”
“So you could give it to me as an engagement present?”
“I don’t want to take your beloved car, Casper.”
“You’re my beloved, not a car.”
Persy closed her eyes and counted to ten before opening them again, knowing what she had to do after making such a colossal mistake. “Casper Kingston, I love you, and I always will. Will you please do me the absolute honor of marrying me?”
He looked taken aback for several seconds before he began to grin. “Aren’t you going to get down on one knee?”
“Don’t push your luck,” she said ruefully.
“Maybe I should ask you to wait six months for my answer,” he teased.
“By all means,” she taunted. “Your engagement present isn’t going to be here for seven more months anyway. Although the wedding will then have to wait a while because I am not walking down the aisle on my father’s arm with an eight-month bulge under my dress.” Having made the announcement, she now held her breath as she waited for Casper to absorb and digest what she’d said.
As Casper had requested, she hadn’t renewed her contraceptive injection. This was the result.
His frown finally cleared, and his eyes lit up with pure joy. “Fucking hell…” He dropped to his knees, his hands moving to rest gently on her hips, his awed gaze fixed on her still-flat stomach. “Are you telling me you’re pregnant?”
“I am,” she confirmed huskily.
“Are you sure?”
“The doctor confirmed it two weeks ago, but I was waiting until today to tell you.” She grimaced. “The pregnancy is probably also the reason why I was crying like an idiot when you arrived home rather than waiting outside to read you the riot act the moment you stepped out of your car.”
She really wasn’t usually this emotional, was a fighter, not an emotional wreck.
“Are you pleased?” She voiced some of that emotional uncertainty.
“I’m ecstatic,” Casper confirmed as he leaned forward slightly to place a reverent kiss where their baby now nestled. “I’m going to have the best wife in the world and you are going to have the best mama. I’m going to be the best husband and papa too,” he whispered softly before looking up at Persy. “If it’s a girl, we could call her Violet May or May Violet.”
More tears fell unchecked down Persy’s cheeks. “And if it’s a boy? Or twins? They seem to run in your family.”
“God, yes.” Casper rose to his feet. “My answer to your proposal is yes. Fucking hell yes!”
“So eloquently put,” she teased.
But it was all, and more, than Persy could ever have imagined for herself.
Dreams did come true after all.
Violet May and Rupert James, the latter in honor of Casper’s father and grandfather, were born exactly six months later, a month earlier than expected, as twins had a habit of doing.