Page 18 of Touch Me
But my decision to pretend I was a sex-deprived woman named Memphis had changed me.
My secret launched me well away from the Plain Jane label I’d given myself.
As the days passed, every man who walked across the lobby received my full attention. Younger than me, older than me, shorter, taller, fit, and the not-so-fit, were all potential suitors. It wasn’t like I was looking for the perfect man to marry and settle down with. We weren’t even going to have sex. Ultimately, all they had to do was watch me have a little fun.
They needed to be at least twenty-five, be able to see, be single, and be willing. That summed it up.
But as each shift ended and no suitor arrived, I became more desperate. In two days, I would be meeting Lolly again for our weekly workout session, and despite how eagerly I’d pursued a potential passion partner, not one had fitted into my minimal criteria.
Plenty of men came and went, but they were all married. I reached a point where before I checked out the man in front of me, I’d investigate his wedding ring finger.
Fifty-two rooms were in the Hot Horizon Hotel, and apparently, this week, every one of them was destined to be occupied by a married man.
I was close to admitting failure when the ideal candidate strolled into the Hot Horizon Hotel lobby. Mr. Liam Hammond. Approximately thirty years old. A little bit short for me and a little too round, but he had that smile. . . the type I was attracted to.
And to top that off, no wedding ring. Perfect.
Liam had come to the Gold Coast for his brother’s wedding; he was to be the head groomsman. Liam was the only member of the wedding party who didn’t have a partner, and that made the dark-haired, hot-blooded man my next adventure.
Seven members of the wedding party checked in as a group at 10:20 p.m. after flying in from London. They completed the necessary forms, and after I handed them their room keycards, they all headed toward the elevators, and I expected that to be the last I would see of them.
But Liam, the groom, and the other two groomsmen returned downstairs half an hour later and went into the lobby bar. Liam was the chatty one amongst them. He spoke with a strong English accent that dropped the H off his words, so ‘hello’ became ‘’ello’.
It sounded kinda cute.
When the four of them strolled out of the bar at two o’clock in the morning, Liam’s cheeks were the color of a Cosmopolitan cocktail, and he laughed like a drunken teenager as they crossed the lobby. His flushed cheeks wobbled with each boisterous chuckle. Liam was the only one of the three to acknowledge me behind the counter, and that was invitation enough for me.
I waved back at him and wanted to say, ‘see you in four hours; don’t wait up.’ I nearly laughed aloud at my confidence.
The four hours dragged on, and I could’ve sworn some minutes went backward. It didn’t help that my stupid boss was twenty-six minutes late. But the second Needledick arrived, I was out of there and in Mission Memphis mode.
After showering, I applied the abundant and necessary makeup to transform Plain Jane into Madam Memphis.
This was my third attempt at this, so I had a much better idea of what I was doing. Normally my makeup routine consisted of a touch of mascara and a lick of lipstick. Not now, though. My foundation, which I rarely used, flawlessly covered the spattering of freckles that adorned my nose and cheeks.
Three applications of mascara lengthened my lashes. I applied black eyeliner to the top and bottom of my eyelids, which was something I never did, and I wasn’t even sure if I liked how it framed my eyes. The dark and light eye shadow I applied to my eyelids gave me a slight cat-eyed look and the blush accentuating my cheekbones was much darker than I was accustomed to.
When I finished, I scrutinized my reflection in the mirror. This was the third time I’d applied all this makeup, yet the transformation still surprised me. Mom wouldn’t even recognize me, which was exactly the result I wanted.
I donned the black wig, slipped into the French maid outfit, and stepped into my black patent heels. At the full-length mirror, I checked that everything was in place. As I plumped up my boobs and adjusted my wig, I considered that it might be time I looked for a new outfit, so I was ready for my next sexy stranger.
My knees weakened, and a wave of nausea barreled through me.
Jesus. This is crazy.
If I got caught, I’d lose my job. This job is all I have.
Even worse, if I had to return to Mildura because I lost my job, I’d fucking die.
What the hell am I doing?
And why the hell do I want to keep doing it?
Chapter Six
As I scrutinized myself in the mirror, I analyzed these two questions. Men and women all over the world had sex with people they didn’t know. Besides, I wasn’t even having sex. Just having a bit of fun.
And I was one hundred percent convinced the men were enjoying it, too.