Page 22 of Touch Me
“Do you believe him?”
“I do now.” The look of conviction on his face made me smile.
I slipped off the counter carefully, fearful my trembling legs wouldn’t hold me. My heels clicked across the tiles as I walked toward him and put my hand on his chest. Our faces were barely inches apart.
“Thank you for your help.” I resisted brushing those luscious lips with my own and kissed his cheek instead. I slipped around him, collected my bra and stockings from the floor, and then strode toward his bed.
“Do you do this often?” he asked.
Was three times often? I decided it wasn’t. “No.”
“Why’d you pick me?”
I collected my dress off the floor, shoved it into my bag with my lingerie, and turned to him. He looked hopeful. “I liked your smile.”
“Oh.” His eyes dropped to the carpet, and I couldn’t decide if he was happy with that answer or not.
“I hope you enjoyed it,” I said.
“Are you kidding?” His eyebrows shot up. “That was as erotic as ’ell. I’m glad I could ’elp.”
I tugged on my trench coat. “You helped more than you’ll ever know.”
“But no one will believe me. I’m never the guy who gets the girl.”
I was halfway toward the door when I stopped and turned to him. I knew exactly what he meant. Plain Jane was always the last girl standing when the boys had chosen their dance partners at the school disco. I’d also been the last one of my friends to be proposed to. Years later, when my fiancé proved to be a lying, cheating bastard, I’d always wondered if he’d chosen me because he felt sorry for me.
I knew precisely how I could help Liam. I kicked off my heels, slipped out of my wet panties, and tried to ignore the undeniable tang of sex that permeated the lacy black fabric as I laid it out on his dining table. “Will these help?”
A devilish smile lit up his face. I’d made him the happiest man in the world, and that made me feel fantastic. I walked out the door and headed toward the elevator.
“Wait. Wait!”
I turned.
Liam stood at his door, holding my lingerie like they were a priceless gem. “I don’t know your name.”
The elevator dinged open. “Memphis.” I stepped into the lift and heard him repeat my name as the door closed.
I floated back to my room, gliding on an air of both mental and physical satisfaction.
After a long, hot shower, I toweled off, sat on the edge of my bed, and reached for Lolita’s diary.
On the page for the 14th of January, I wrote Liam Hammond, room 9 - My Naughty Groomsman. I described the Englishman with the biggest erection I’d ever seen, and then detailed everything we did in room number nine.
As I curled under the bed sheet, I listened to the waves crashing into the shore below and pictured how Lolly was going to react when I told her I’d completed her challenge.
Plain Jane wasn’t plain anymore.
My life had taken a new and exciting turn. It was almost as if I’d fallen into a dream.
A perfect, highly erotic dream.
As my body sang a soothing melody lulling me to sleep, I silently prayed that Memphis didn’t turn my life into a nightmare.
Chapter Seven
Driving rain swept across the beach in fierce slanted sheets, bouncing off the jogging path like ice marbles. It was strange to have rain at this time in the morning. The Gold Coast usually had its ferocious summer storms late in the afternoon, and thunder, lightning, and rain would sweep across the sunset strip like a tsunami and disappear as quickly as they came, leaving the golden sand smelling fresh and clean.