Page 53 of Touch Me
“Mr. Holy Hotness, you mean?” I wriggled my eyebrows, and Lolly laughed.
“Love it.” She tapped her long pink fingernail on the table. “Details, babe.”
“His name was Dontrel, six-foot-five, I’d say, shoulders like this.” I held my hands wide, guessing Dontrel’s shoulder width. “Oh, he had this tattoo, flames of red and yellow, down here.” I ran my hand down my bicep. “And when he played his drums, they moved like his arm was on fire.”
Our coffee and my cake arrived, and I cut a portion with my fork, dipped it into the cream and ate it. “Oh, yum.” The orange flavor reminded me of back home. I grew up in Mildura, home of the sweetest Navel oranges in Australia. There weren’t too many things I missed from home—oranges were one of them, though.
“What else, babe?”
I licked my fork. “He was different. Funny.”
“What, funny. . . weird?”
“No, funny hilarious. I never knew sex could be fun.”
“What did he do? Chase you around the room?” She chuckled at her own joke.
I didn’t want to tell Lolly about the little game we’d played. I liked that it was something secret shared between my sexy Jamaican drummer and me. “No, don’t be silly. He just made it fun and relaxing.”
“Wow, you poor thing. You really are scarred. Cal and I often laugh during sex. It’s way better if you’re relaxed. So . . . did you fuck him?”
She pouted her perfect pink lips. “Oh, all right. Did you pleasure yourself?” Lolly did the plum in her mouth thing as she said pleasure, and I was tempted to kick her under the table. But she started laughing, and I joined her.
I really did need a new name for it.
“Oh, come on, babe, I’m just playing with you. Details. I want details.”
I glanced around to make sure no one could hear. Everybody seemed to be engrossed in their own little worlds. “I pleasured him.”
“You gave him a hand job.”
“Oh, don’t worry, no one’s listening. And who cares if they are.” She leaned forward, and I looked into her mischievous blue eyes. “Was it good?”
“It was incredible.” My heart raced just thinking about it.
“Power in your hands, right?”
I frowned. She knew exactly what I was thinking. It was empowering to take a man to that limit and know I was in complete control. Ultimate dominance.
“I tell you what.” Lolly grinned. “Next time you’re between a man’s legs, check out the little smooth spot he has just below his balls.”
“Lolly!” I slapped her arm.
She flashed a devilish grin at me. “Trust me, when you touch that spot, you’ll have him laughing, crying, and groaning all at the same time. It drives Cal wild.”
“I told you, I don’t want to hear about you and Calvin.”
“You could learn a lot from us. We have the best sex in the world.”
Lolly had no scruples. Nothing was sacred, which was why I loved her.