Page 58 of The Quit List
We’re friends. With no benefits. Each of us has our own, entirely unromantic reason for going on this trip together. End of story.
I’ve done these types of trips a million times—always solo—and I have a pretty good idea of the route I want us to take. It needs to be a bit of a challenge, something that will occasionally put Holly’s perseverance to the test, but will still allow her to enjoy her time out there.
I hope.
But, just in case, I might make sure she has short nails before we leave.
The next morning, bright and early, I’m pulling up outside a small, well-kept bungalow with whitewashed stucco, a cherry-red front door, and a front lawn that looks like it's been mowed with perfect precision.
It’s all very groomed and proper… until you see the front door mat, which proclaims Hang on, I’m probably not wearing pants.
I hover on the doorstep for a moment before I ring the doorbell. Holly never did call me after her date last night, and I wonder if it’s because she was out late or because my cell service was patchy on the drive home from the cabin.
I’m curious how it all went… only in my capacity as “dating coach”—as she calls it—of course.
Professional all around over here. Even if Seb and Aaron did get me a bit rattled yesterday with their cozy-tent talk.
But they’re wrong. This is just… taking a new friend on new adventures. A friend who is currently on a Spark-wide search for a man who is the polar opposite of me. That’s all. Ain’t nothing wrong with making a new friend.
Even if said friend is crazy hot and also the exact right amount of crazy.
Suddenly, the door opens, and a familiar voice draws me from my thoughts. “There’s a boat strapped to the top of your van.”
I look up to see Holly standing in front of me, frowning as she looks over my shoulder. No good morning, no hello, just straight down to what she’s thinking. I kinda like it.
She’s wearing a loose black sundress that falls to her mid thigh and has these sexy little straps on the shoulders. Her hair is in a neat French braid down her back, and when I sneak a glance at her lips, I note with a smile that they’re bubblegum pink and glossy once again.
“You’re really not wearing pants,” I reply, instead of addressing her observation. “Your mat doesn’t lie.”
She quirks her head questioningly, and then, she glances down at the door mat. “Oh, that’s Aubrey’s. My roommate. She hates pants.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. What did pants do to her, if I may ask?”
“You may, but don’t say I didn’t warn you…”
“This sounds raunchy.”
“I wish. She feels like her pants judge her when she wears them.”
“Have you recommended she get a pair with a better personality?”
Holly laughs. “Well, that’s only part of the problem. They also make her lady parts feel restricted. Like they’re in lady part jail.” She clocks my expression and her grin widens. “Wish you hadn’t asked now?”
“I do.” I laugh, a sudden sense of calm washing over me as I realize that spending the day with Holly is going to be just fine. “And that’ll teach me to ask questions related to a woman’s choice of clothing, which I will obviously never, ever do again.”
“If only all men had that outlook.” She sighs. “And now that you know all about Aubrey’s relationship with her wardrobe full of unworn slacks and jeans, are you going to tell me why Edna is wearing a boat as a hat?”
“We’re going kayaking.”
Holly’s jaw drops. “Today?”
“No, next week.”
“Shut up.” She gives me squinty eyes. “What I mean is… I’ve never been kayaking.”