Page 37 of Accepting Agatha
“Dude, I remember those first few weeks with your wife’s sister, and listening to you talk is bringing it all right here.” He motioned between us like we were staring at a pile of laundry that neither of us wanted to fold.
“Yesterday, just getting her out of that family house was an ordeal. It’s like everything has to be an ordeal, you know? Even if it wasn’t originally, she sabotages herself until it is. I think she has trouble functioning outside of chaos. So she creates her own if necessary.”
I thought about what I had just concluded and nodded. It was a solid theory.
“I haven’t had a lot of interactions with her, so I don’t know one way or the other on that, but I have known people like that throughout my life. My ex was super dramatic.” He thought for a moment. “Well, you’ve had a few run-ins with the she-devil. You know what I’m talking about. The woman never just faded into her surroundings. Always had to be center stage.”
I sighed and shifted in my seat. I was about to dig into the important part.
“So, the reason I’m bringing all this up is now that I’m supporting both of us, I was hoping I could get a raise. I feel awkward asking, but it’s been a while since I’ve had a performance review…” I trailed off there and watched the man for any clues about his feelings on the matter. I willed him to interrupt with a response so I wouldn’t have to continue groveling. He was a smart man, and he could connect the dots I just scattered in front of him.
Instead of the friendly, affirmative response I’d hoped for, he screwed his face up in confusion.
“Just curious, and you can tell me to fuck off—not my business and all that,” he said as the lead into what I assumed would be a bigger question. “How did she lose her job? I know she wasn’t thrilled with the commute, but something is better than nothing.”
My boss’s gears were spinning at top speed. I’d seen that look on his face before.
My own exhaustion and frustration seeped out of the cracks in my tone as I scrubbed a palm down my face. I wasn’t trying to be coy or evasive in this conversation with my boss, but every time I brought the topic up with Agatha, she changed the subject, so I still didn’t have a clear idea about what led to her termination exactly.
“I don’t exactly know,” I finally admitted.
He reacted after turning my admission over a couple times. “Oh, damn, that’s not good.”
“No, it’s not.” I frowned. “The timing couldn’t be worse. They just raised my rent, too, so I was looking forward to having someone to share the larger financial obligation with.”
After my comment, the quiet just bloated between us. Minute by minute ticked by, and we were both so lost in our own thoughts, we could’ve been seated at our own desks instead of attempting to have a conversation.
Finally, Elijah gave his head a quick shake and said, “Sorry. Totally spaced out thinking about those bombs we married.”
He was grinning, but not in a salacious way. His expression communicated his thoughts had been admiration and affection, and I smiled too.
“Definitely a handful,” I muttered.
“I don’t think she’s told Hannah that she’s lost her job. I’m almost positive my wife would’ve mentioned that. I know you said something yesterday, but I didn’t tell Hannah, figuring her sister would’ve,” he said thoughtfully. “Though Hannah’s had morning sickness nearly all day, every day, so she’s been napping a lot. Maybe she just missed the call.”
“And to be fair, I picked her up right after work last night and helped her get some things packed. From Brentwood, she followed me to Glendale since she’d never been to my place.”
“Dude…Glendale? That’s like…so far from the beach, man. How can you stand to be so far inland?”
He had no idea how snobby he sounded with that comment, and honestly, it pissed me off a little. I was living the best life I could on the salary I brought home. Not all of us had beachside mansions in Malibu to call home.
“It’s what I can afford,” I snapped. “And now even Glendale is going to be a stretch.” And now I sounded petulant and desperate, and I hated every second of it.
I stood abruptly and planned to bolt to the door before my boss put up a reassuring hand and said, “Okay, settle down. I’ll make it happen. You definitely deserve a raise, and I’ll push for the company’s max, and we can go from there. Don’t go freaking out on me.”
All I could push up my throat and across my lips was a quiet, “Thank you.” The volume had nothing to do with my sincerity or gratitude, and I hoped like hell the man knew it.
He assessed me with a knowing gaze before saying, “Every new relationship is tough, man. You guys have some unique extras added on, to say the least. Hang in there, okay?”
By the time he was finished issuing his advice, he stood in front of me with a kind palm gripping the ball of my shoulder.
“Do the in-laws know about the nuptials yet?” Elijah asked with a chuckle, and all I could do was shake my head. There was still a wad of emotion lodged in my throat preventing words from getting out.
“But they know she’s staying with you?”
“Yeah, our new father-in-law came home last night just as we finished loading our cars.”
“And how did that go? I don’t know about you, but I think he can be damn intimidating for an accountant.” Elijah studied his shoes while making the admission.