Page 23 of Mentoring Maye
“Just oh?” I said, hoping to encourage her to express herself more.
“Well, that’s a pretty bold admission. I’m trying to take it all in for a second before I admit I’ve been feeling the same way,” she replied, and the first part of her comment almost got overshadowed by the second.
Until I repeated it back in my head, and then said through my grin, “You do?” I couldn’t stifle my smile. Or my dick, apparently, because that fucker heard her words loud and clear and was swelling with anticipation.
She quickly nodded but couldn’t hold my gaze. She maneuvered the ice-filled bag again.
“Maye, look at me,” I said with a voice so dark and lust-filled, it even took me by surprise. Those big, innocent, sapphire eyes found mine, and I tried to read what other emotions I saw there.
“What’s wrong? You look like there’s more you want to say,” I prompted.
“Well, it’s wrong to feel that way, isn’t it? I don’t want to get you in trouble with the university. And I can’t afford to lose this opportunity. I can handle myself, though, I swear. I just don’t want you to say we have to stop the internship.”
“The school doesn’t have a policy against teachers and students dating. It’s not something they like, per se, but it’s not an infraction that would end my employment there. I don’t want to put you in an uncomfortable situation, though, so I thought being honest would be the best approach here.”
“I appreciate that,” she said with a bolder smile then. “I really do. I definitely thought I was picking up some energy between us, and in the same spirit of honesty, I find it very exciting. But it’s also become very distracting, and we’re not even through week one.”
“You’re very mature for your age. Very articulate,” I said and took a couple of steps closer to her. It wasn’t a decision I made. My body just took over and did what it wanted. I needed to touch her.
Standing directly in front of her, I offered a hand to her uninjured one and tugged her to her feet. “One last thing, then I feed you. No arguments.” She focused on my mouth while I spoke in that way a woman did when she was hoping you’d kiss her. My cock actually lurched in my slacks.
“What is it?” she began, but I cut her off with my kiss. I didn’t want to spook her, but there was no way I could withstand another minute without feeling those full lips against mine.
Heaven. She was fucking heaven in so many ways. The way her lithe body melted into mine, the way her plush mouth yielded to mine, the little whimpers coming from low in her throat. Our kiss grew in depth and urgency until I finally broke away or I’d lay her across my kitchen island and mount her.
Well…that thought had promise.
When we separated, her delicate fingers reached up and touched her mouth, as if she couldn’t believe what just happened.
“The look on your face says I should apologize,” I said, but a grin that I couldn’t hold back revealed I wouldn’t mean it. “But I’m not sorry. Not in the least.”
“No,” she said so quietly it was more like air moving than sound. “Don’t be sorry. I’m glad you did that.” The same grin infected her then too. “I hope it happens again, actually.”
I took a measured step back, or I’d be on her before she could object. “No,” I told myself as much as her. “First, you need to eat so you can take something for that arm. After that?” I let the pause between thoughts inflate a bit. “All bets are off.”
I probably secured my place in hell with that declaration, but I’d make this girl mine. That little shit that had been hanging around her would become a distant memory, and she would wonder what she ever saw in that silly boy in the first place.
Watching Andrew move around his tidy kitchen was fascinating. I was seeing a whole new side of the man that I would have never thought existed. He was still very measured in everything he did. Even the kiss he planted on me was as careful as it was reckless. And my God, was it reckless.
There was a very loud, annoying voice in my head screaming at me to put the brakes on here. Stop this crazy behavior before it became something we couldn’t step around. I had to spend the entire summer with this man, and watching him flip a grilled cheese sandwich in a bright-blue frying pan was the only thing I could bother myself with now. The voice could seriously fuck off, as far as I was concerned. Even if it was the voice of reason or better judgment, I was so tired of always doing the right thing. The safe thing.
I wanted to be reckless for once. If I needed further proof of how tired I was of safe and smart, all I had to do was reflect on the relationship I just ended. The main reason I got out of that pairing was because I was bored to tears with the guy. And what the hell was he thinking today, putting his hands on me the way he had? Subconsciously I pressed my fingertips into the spot where I suspected a bruise had formed, and sure enough, the skin was tender there. If my father ever found out that dumbass laid hands on me that way, he’d skin him alive.
My cellphone played Shepperd’s ringtone from deep inside my handbag. I had a little trouble fishing it out with just one hand, so by the time I tried to accept her call, it had gone to voicemail. I’d be shocked if she actually left a message, but now that I was staring at the thing, I saw that she had tried calling several times before.
“Oh shit,” I muttered, and Andrew turned from the stove.
“What’s wrong?”
“My sister has been trying to call, and I missed her three times. Well, make that four with the one I just heard. Do you mind if I call her? She’s probably worried because I wasn’t at school when she came to pick me up.”
“Of course not. Do you need help?” he asked gently, and I really thought to pinch myself. He was such a different man than the teacher I knew in class. I really liked this version of my professor. A grin refused to budge as I dialed my twin.
“Oh, my fucking God, Maye! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”