Page 58 of Mentoring Maye
I straddled her waist and sat back on my heels so I could slowly unbutton her top. Button by button, I slowly exposed more of her delicate skin. Holding her stare while I spread the two halves wide, I saw her trepidation.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” I whispered.
“I know. I don’t know why I’m so nervous.” She smiled awkwardly. “I think I’m afraid of disappointing you. You have a lot more experience here than I do.”
“But you already know what an amazing teacher I am,” I said with a wink. “I won’t mind mentoring you.”
Unexpectedly, she burst out laughing.
I tried my best stern expression, but she just giggled more. “Ms. Farsey,” I warned, but I caught her silliness and ended up chuckling too.
“That was so cheesy, dude,” she said and pushed my chest.
Quickly I snatched her by the wrist and widened my eyes. All laughing stopped as I leaned in closer to her sweet lips.
“Cheesy?” I said right before crashing my mouth into hers.
Maye moaned beneath me, and that one sexy sound evaporated all playfulness and all the previous tension from the air. Now, lust and need enveloped us as our kissing grew feverish.
“Andrew,” she moaned again, and this time way louder than before.
I put a small amount of space between our mouths, and she tried chasing me for more. With one stern look, she collapsed flat to the mattress and sucked in a ragged breath.
“Easy, baby. No more noise at that volume, or my mother will be knocking on that door.” I thumbed over my shoulder.
Adorably, she leaned past my body to get a visual on the door. That move made me chuckle, and she furrowed her brows.
“I’d be mortified,” she whispered, and I agreed with a quick dip of my chin.
“Let’s not test the experience. Do you need me to gag you for good measure?” I cocked my brow, and my cock jumped at the same time. Apparently, every part of my anatomy liked that image.
“No, I’ll be good. Don’t stop,” she whispered and clutched my braced forearms. “Please, don’t stop.”
“No.” I shook my head slowly, left to right. Left to right again. “We’re just getting started.” I backed down her legs and hooked my fingers into the waistband of her pj’s and tugged. “What the—” I cut my profanity off when I realized there was a drawstring standing between me and what I wanted. Needed.
“Untie these fucking things,” I growled and waited for Maye’s brain to catch up to what was going on.
Her feminine fingers fumbled with the drawstring until her pants finally gave way when I tugged. With an aggressive swoosh, the pants joined her top on the floor. Maye propped herself up on bent forearms and gave me a hungry look.
“What about you?” she whispered.
“We’ll get there. Promise. But right now, I don’t trust myself not to sink right into you if I take my dick out.” I pushed her by the shoulders, and she fell flat to the mattress with a yip.
“Quiet now,” I reminded her and positioned my body between her thighs. “Lie back and feel me love this incredible pussy.” I ran a firm stroke up the entire length of her leg just to the juncture of her thighs. I repeated the motion over and over, always nearing her pussy but shying away at the last moment.
Maye held her breath every time I got close to touching the place we both wanted, then exhaled in frustration when I didn’t give her what she wanted. I planned to keep up the torture until she begged me.
Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait very long. After about three more passes up her shapely calves and thighs, she cried out my name laced with need.
“Andreeewwww,” she moaned, and I knew she was right where I wanted her. Hot, vulnerable, and desperate. “Please.”
“Please what, baby?”
“Touch me. No more teasing. I’m going crazy here.”
“Does it ache?” I taunted. “Do you want my touch so bad it hurts?”
“Yes. Yes, God, please.” She arched her back, and her hair tumbled in waves onto the pillow like a golden waterfall. “Please, I need you.”