Page 31 of Deadly Rescue
Andre’s sitting by the window, gun in his arms when I close the bedroom door. “I’m going out for some things.”
“Are you sure?”
“We need some food, and I need to get some clothing for her.”
“Make it brief, friend. This place is sketchy as fuck.”
“You don’t have to tell me. I could hear people yelling and gunshots.”
His scowl turns darker. “I’ll be a lot happier when we’re on that plane.”
“That makes three of us. Hey, listen out for her. She’s up, but I’m worried about her.”
He watches me, something unsaid in his expression.
As I reach for the door, he says, “You didn’t fuck with her head, did you?”
“No worse than she fucked with mine.”
He watches me for a minute, then nods once.
“Use her nickname as the codeword when you get back.”
When I slip out the door, I have a feeling he’s not too happy with me, which makes me wonder what his real feelings for Simona are.
Ducking into the alley, I wait for a group of young guys with guns to hustle by. When they are long past, I turn the last corner in the narrow alley, and climb the stairs to the safe house apartment.
I knock once and murmur the codeword. The latch clicks. It takes a few seconds for Andre to open the three chains.
“Some empanadas in there for you.” I set the bag on the table. “She come out?”
“No. Not a sound since you left.”
My gut is twitchy when I walk to the door. I force a breath when I knock, “Hey, got food and clothes.”
“Come in.”
I slip inside the door. Simona’s propped up in bed with the thin cotton blanket tucked around her.
“How are you feeling?”
I hold up two bags. “Food. Clothes. Which would you like first?”
She smiles, almost shyly. “Food.”
“Good choice.” I move to the side of the bed. She slides over, so I sit on the edge. “Potato and beef empanadas.”
“They smell delicious.”
I pass her a bottle of water. “They are, I cheated and had one while they packed up the order.”
She picks up an empanada. “I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t have waited either.”
Her eyes drift closed as she chews the first bite. “Oh god. So good. I didn’t realize I was starving.”