Page 78 of Deadly Rescue
The man who looks so much like me replies, “Wolf Black. They call me Shadow.”
“Nice to meet you, Shadow.”
Wolf narrows his eyes as he gives Scotch a quick assessment once again. “I have to say, I’m glad my possible sister isn’t weighed down with some pansy-ass no good slacker.”
Scotch glances at me. “I think we’ll get along just fine.”
Wolf smiles again, this time it’s more feral. “Let’s figure out how the four of us are going to kick some ass.”
Over takeout food, we review all the details that have been gathered so far. Something has been bothering me. “Didn’t that doctor tell you there were eight babies born unexpectedly?”
Simona nods as she picks crispy wonton up with her pair of chopsticks. “Yes.” She shivers. “Weird. To think we could have six other maybe-siblings.”
Wolf frowns. “I’ll admit that idea is a bit overwhelming to me. I’m not too interested in meeting many more of myself.”
“Me too. I just can’t figure out what the motive of someone would be to make children they didn’t raise.”
Mako sips off a can of seltzer, then places it back on the table. “You know this sounds like we are dealing with a megalomaniac.”
I chew a bit of my Pad Thai and consider that. “You know, you could be onto something there. There have been cases where doctors inseminated people with their own sperm because of the power trip. But if your doctor is dead now, then that doesn’t make sense. Plus, would he really have six million dollars in rewards to offer?”
Wolf’s brows knot together. “That kind of money means that the person behind this is seriously flush with cash.”
Simona taps her chopstick against her plate as she thinks. “Now, why would we be so valuable to someone?”
I remind them, “The two of you have some unique skills.”
She cuts her eyes my way. “But this person didn’t know that when he fathered us.”
Wolf grumbles. “But we could have been genetically designed to have certain characteristics.”
“That’s just gross.” Simona pushes her plate away.
“Is it? I mean, natural mate selection works that way as well. Humans look for mates that give them an evolutionary advantage. It’s just more subconscious.”
Wolf scrubs his hand over his stubble. “I do have a lot of characteristics that make me good at what I do.”
“Cocky much?” Simona says with a teasing grin.
“No, it’s true. And you? I bet you’ve got a good memory, a propensity for technical things, speed, stamina, and agility. Am I right?”
“I guess you’re right.”
Wolf goes back to eating. After his next bite, he says, “And my birth parents were none of those things. My father was a gangly, tall, scientist, so he had the brains. And my mother is a lifelong housewife with the coordination of a toddler. Lovely lady, but she’s not exactly SAS material.”
Simona leans in and rests her elbow on the table. “Same here. Which makes me really think that it wasn’t my mother’s egg.”
“Ditto,” says Wolf.
Simona rubs her eyes tiredly. “So, what are we then? What were we made for?”
I say, “That’s a very good question. If some rich man wanted children with these characteristics, then he probably had something in mind. But, at the same time, those characteristics would just generally be considered traits for high likelihood of success in the world.”
Mako chimes in, “He could have just wanted to model you after himself.”
I drink from my bottle of water while I contemplate this. “For some reason, he didn’t raise you, if that is indeed the case.”