Page 94 of Deadly Rescue
He laughs and kisses my hand. “My child. You are the most lovely bride in the world.”
“I can’t believe you're here.”
“Your fiancé is a man of many talents.”
I know I’m grinning like a fool. “He is.”
“Come along, my dear. I’m escorting you down the aisle to your future husband.”
“Really? Why would you do that?”
“It’s customary, my dear.”
He offers his arm again.
“Oh. I didn’t know that someone would escort me.”
Josef’s brow quirks up on an angle. “I see that I failed in some parts of your education.”
I slide my hand into the bend of his arm. “Not on the important parts.”
When we step from the house, the party on the lawn grows quiet. The musicians begin playing a song that’s so lovely my eyes tear up. Josef pats my hand. We walk together down the stairs and down the brick pathway to the gazebo.
Everything is so beautiful, but nothing matters except the amazing man waiting at the end of the aisle. He’s my everything.
So handsome in his suit, he steals my breath. My god. This man is mine. Forever.
I’m so floaty, high on happiness, I barely even register when Josef passes my hand to Scotch. The next thing I know, we are alone at the base of the gazebo. My fiancé leans down, touches his sexy lips to mine. “Mine. All mine,” he whispers as he pulls away. “Come this way, my dear.”
Together, we step into the gazebo where a man is waiting. He smiles as we approach.
Savannah, Sierra, Mariana, and Gilly join us on one side. Liam, Andre, Marshall, and Wolf stand with Scotch.
I can’t hold back the smile that makes my cheeks ache.
The minister tells me what to say, I try to follow as my heart hums along at a happy clip near the speed of sound. We share our promises of love and togetherness.
Scotch gently glides a beautiful gold band onto my finger next to the diamond ring he gave me in England. With trembling fingers, I slide a thick dark metal band on his.
The whole time, he never takes his serious focus off me. As if I’m the only thing in the world.
Scotch is so steady. And strong and present. Like he always is.
“You may now kiss the bride!”
I blink. “Oh! That’s it?”
Everyone in the gazebo laughs. Scotch’s devastating smile makes my knees weak, but he’s got me in his arms, so I have not a fear in the world. “You’re officially married to me now.”
I vaguely hear cheers as he bends me back over his arm and kisses me until I’m breathless. Another of his many skills. Reducing me to putty in his arms.
He tips me back up and wraps his arm around my waist. “Our friends and family are waiting for us, Mrs. Jameson Scott.”
“Oh, I do like the way that sounds.”
And just like that, the next chapter of my life opens. And I just know in my heart it’s going to be as glorious as any fairytale.