Page 98 of Deadly Rescue
“Yeah. Going to D.C. to see a friend.”
He pushes up off the bench. “That’s good. And hey, man, if you ever want to talk, I’m happy to listen.”
I tip my chin his way. “Appreciate that.”
But, I won’t be dishing to Mako. I’ve said enough already. The fewer people who know about the kind of things in my head and in my past, the better.
Details like that serve no one. Including me.
“You going somewhere?”
“Depends on how today goes.”
“I thought you were worried about Simona shooting you.”
“Maybe she doesn’t have to know.”
“You do know you’re talking about a spy.”
“And who knows, maybe her sister is really good at keeping secrets too.” He’s laughing as he strides away with a look of determination in his eyes.
Yes. Getting away from the team and from Eden will be good.
If only I could get away from myself, that would be even better.
I lurch off the bench and stride toward the party on the lawn with the intent of saying my goodbyes. It’s the least I can do. I need to get out of here, because looking at pretty women only makes me feel one thing—broken.
Six Months Later
Eden, Utah
The trees are summer green overhead and the warm balmy air is perfect for a short evening walk. Short being the operative word.
The closer we stay to the house, the better.
“Are you sure you’re okay, sweetheart?” I reach out to wrap my arm around Simona’s shoulders, but she swats me away.
Shooting daggers my way, she snarls her lip. “This baby’s got to come out. Sitting around isn’t helping.”
We slowly make our way down the path that I cut for walks on the property. Simona holds her gigantic belly with both hands, pressing the pink sundress tight against the mound. She’s adorable. And hasn’t lost an ounce of her spark.
Grumbling in Czech, she pushes ahead of me.
“Slow down there, tiger.”
“Hush. You have no say in this.”
Sigh. I grit my teeth. And follow as closely as I can. I’m just glad Simona relinquished her pistol a few months ago at my insistence. Otherwise, I might be full of holes. Hormonal whiplash is in full effect.
She pauses, stretches her back. Groans. Stares at me murderously. “If this baby gets any bigger, I’m going to need a pack mule to get around.”
“How are you feeling this evening?”
Cutting me an evil side eye, she says, “Pregnant.”