Page 17 of Kash & Bella
“I’ve been talking thiswhole time, tell me about yours.”
“Sure,” he said. He sat onthe trunk of a fallen tree and she joined him. Her body washumming, her skin prickling with awareness. She loved being closeto him. He told her about his mom, who was a fairy and could unlockanything. And his dad, a powerful wolf who used to fight for hisalpha, then joined the Tressel Pack to get away from that life. Thestory of how they found each other, her casting a truemate spell todraw him to her as she lay dying from iron poisoning, and him beingthe driver of a few of the younger males to a Were-Alliance mixerwas the stuff of romance novels. All passion and drama and happyendings.
“I can’t believe your dadwas actually at one of the mixers where I met Kinley and that’s howI ended up here. What do you think would have happened if I wasstill down in Rhone when you cast the spell?”
“I would have feltcompelled to wander down south I guess,” he said, giving her asweet smile. “Or you might have traveled this way. It’s not anexact science, it’s fae magic. But the spells do draw truematestogether.”
Her hands ached sharply and she stood,shaking them out.
“Are youokay, cheril?”
“I feelstrange.”
“Strange good or strangebad?”
“When is strange,good?”
“I don’t know,” he said,standing. “Like strange tingly good feelings?”
She shook her head. Herwolf was pacing in her head. At that exact moment, several wolveshowled together and she could tell they’d found game to chase. Herheart started to pound and her vision blurred for amoment.
Kash grabbed her as she listed to theside. “Whoa, what’s going on? Talk to me.”
“I think…I don’t know. Ithink my wolf wants to come out.”
Her hearing sharpened suddenly and aheadache formed between her eyes, making her wince.
“Then let her out. I’ve gotyou covered, trust me.”
He unbuttoned his shirt.She was going to ask him what he was doing but she didn’t want himto stop. He tossed his shirt on the log and huge, white featheredwings stretched from his back. He looked like a freaking angel.Lifting his hand into the air, a sword appeared, and his eyesflashed bright silver, like shiny coins.
“Thereare no hunters around, cheril. I swear on my life that Iwon’t let anyone get close to you. You’re safe here, with me. Ipromise.”
She stared at him as she panted, herheart beating impossibly fast.
Then she fell to her kneesand screamed as her bones cracked. Was she going toshift?
Holy shit.
Chapter Seven
Kash sank the sword into the groundand knelt by his mate, helping her strip as her shift came overher. By the time he’d helped her wrangle her jeans off, her bodywas covered with fur, her nails dark with claws. She let out ananguished cry which morphed into a triumphant howl as her bodychanged entirely to wolf.
She promptly fell over.
He chuckled and lifted hergently to her paws. She whined and licked his jaw. He scratchedbehind her ears and ran his fingers down her soft fur. She was allbrowns and grays, with a white underbelly and bright ambereyes.
“Holy crap you’regorgeous.”
She lifted her muzzle and sniffed theair, then nuzzled him, giving a lick to his neck which sent ashiver down his spine.
If she was supposed to have been ableto shift at sixteen, then she hadn’t been able to claim her wolffor the last eight years.
“It musthave been hell for you, cheril,” he said. “But you’ve gotyour wolf now. Want to run?”
She yipped and hopped a few feet away,then ran back to him and nearly took him off his feet when shecrashed against him.
He lifted the sword from the groundand stood. “Sounds like a yes to me. You lead the way, I’m right byyour side.”