Page 19 of Kash & Bella
There were some things wolves didn’tdo, and one of them was fuck with a mating.
“You probably think I’msome kind of cold-hearted robot for not caring that my uncle diedhere, but I didn’t know him. He died before I was born, and my dadand grandpa don’t talk about him. It’s like he’s a ghost, hangingaround in the periphery but no one will discuss him.”
“I don’t think you’recold, we won’t always have emotional connections to people in ourfamily that we never knew. I’m sure your family was hurt no matterthe circumstances, but that doesn’t change the fact that you camehere and you’re my truemate.”
“It changes somethings.”
She blinked those beautiful blue eyesup at him and he frowned again. “What things?”
“My pack is wolf only.You’re not a wolf.”
“Yeah.” She smiled and hereyes crinkled at the corners. “It’s okay, though. When I couldn’tshift and I was desperate for inclusion in the pack, I dreamed ofthe day that I’d be accepted. Now that I shifted, I could beincluded but you wouldn’t be. If I mate you, if I pick you, thenI’m out, period.”
“I don’t want you to loseyour pack.”
“You’re not planning towalk away, are you? Because a part of me always worries about beingaccepted by people because I spent so many years as a non-shiftingfreak of nature.”
“Hell no,” he said,vehemently. “You’re well and truly stuck with me, but I’ll still bebummed you can’t have me and your pack.”
“I’d say my dad would makean exception and change the laws, but that’ll never happen. Even ifyou weren’t from the Tressel Pack, he’d still say no.” She blew outa breath and looked up at him expectantly.
“I want to talk to AlphaJason, but I also want to take you home.” He pulled her close bywrapping an arm around her waist. She bumped against him, her softcurves to his hard muscles, and everything in him focused wholly onher.
She fit perfectly against him likethey were made for each other.
She was by far the sexiestfemale he’d ever seen in his life. Petite and curved for days, shehad the most intriguing blue eyes, and the most kissablelips.
His senses were inflamed,his gums tingling with the need to bite and mark her. Theprotective male in him was determined to hunt down anyone who madeher feel like a freak. And the romantic part of him wanted toromance her to the best of his abilities so she never doubted for amoment that he cared about her…because he did. It had only been afew hours, but it might as well have been a hundred years. He wasalready falling for her. He couldn’t imagine how strong their bondwould be as they got to know each other and fell in lovefully.
He lowered his head and kissedher.
It was a gentle press of lips at firstand then both their wolves responded with soft growls that rumbledin their chests. His wolf was never very vocal since he took moreafter his fae nature, but he sure as hell was feeling like a wolfnow.
She parted her lips on asoft sigh and their tongues touched, slipping together as the kissdeepened. He pulled her closer, wrapping both arms around her andholding her tightly. She gripped his shoulders and tilted herpelvis to brush against his, sending a riot of shivers down hisspine.
She tasted like dark chocolate andwine, and she felt like heaven in his arms.
He wanted to keep kissing her forever,but then she shivered in his arms, and he realized she might becold with only a shirt and jeans on.
Breaking the sweet, deepkiss, he nibbled her bottom lip for a moment and then smiled at thedazed look on her face.
“No one is looking for metonight.”
“What?” he asked with achuckle.
She smiled. “I mean that we don’t haveto talk to your alpha tonight, we can save that for tomorrow. Let’sgo to your home.”
“It’ll be yours too,” hesaid. “If you want it to be.”
“Take me home,Kash.”
Chapter Eight
Bella stared out thewindow of Kash’s truck as he drove away from the alphas’ house. Shesent a quick text to Kinley to let her know what happened, notsurprised to see a few texts from her making sure she wasokay.
“All good with Kinley?” heasked.