Page 34 of Kash & Bella
“Brett apparently decidedit was time for her to choose a mate and he put out word to theunmated males in the pack and two agreed to mate with her. It wasright before the full moon. She of course said no, that shewouldn’t mate a male who she didn’t even like and the ones thatBrett had chosen apparently were pretty awful to her.”
“I can’t imagine a fatherdoing that to his daughter,” Kash said, shaking hishead.
“Listen, parents fuck upall the time, okay? Just because he’s alpha doesn’t mean he’s rightor that he doesn’t make mistakes. What you guys don’t realize isthat while you’re growing up, we’re growing up too. Hell, I stillfuck up. Look how I reacted when Lyric came home with two mountainlions and wanted to move to Ashland permanently.”
“You came around,though.”
“I wasn’t about to lose mydaughter because I didn’t like who her wolf picked. And the guysproved themselves, anyway. But Jake said Brett’s immovable in this.He won’t accept that Bella’s chosen a non-wolf for a materegardless that you’re truemates, and he won’t accept that she’llbe out of their pack because of you.”
“Why won’t he accept it? Idon’t get why he wouldn’t be happy she found me and can nowshift.”
“Because it’s not what heplanned for her. And honestly, Brett hates me so much, hateseverything the Tressel Pack stands for. In his mind, her pickingyou means she’s siding with the people who killed his brother. He’sharbored anger and grief for such a long time that it’s twistedeverything about him. Jake said he’s not the same male he wasbefore Chris died, but it got worse when Renee was killed and hehad to take over. He sees Bella picking you as a betrayal. It’s nother following her heart, it’s her giving him the middlefinger.”
Kash let all that roll around in hishead. “What am I supposed to do?”
“Jake said he’ll speak toBrett, but not to hold our breaths. Brett wants Bella back in Rhonewith her family and pack, and he doesn’t want you to come with her.Since I know you’re not willing to let her walk away fromyou…”
“Hell no.”
Jason chuckled. Theyresumed walking, Kash scanning the area for anything out of theordinary as Jason started talking again. “Then you just need tomove forward with your relationship however you two see fit. Markand mate each other, we can do the ceremony during the May fullmoon if you’d like, you’ve got a whole month to plan for it. Itsucks that Bella’s in this position, but she’s welcome here in ourpack no matter who her family is. She’s your mate and that makesher part of our pack, unofficially until the mating and joiningceremonies, of course.”
“I’ll talk to her afterwork today,” he said. “I hate that she’s been put in thisposition.”
“It’s not your fault thatyou’re part of our pack, neither is it her fault that her unclewent batshit crazy and had to be put down. All of that happenedbefore either of you were born and you shouldn’t have to bear theburden of the history between our packs. That’s for those of us inthe older generation to worry about, all right?”
“Good. Now that we’vegotten all that out of the way, how’s it going between youtwo?”
As they continued their trek aroundthe retirement community, Kash told Jason about being with Bellaand how complete he felt now that they’d found each other. He’dcast a spell and didn’t expect it to work so fast, although he’dbeen hopeful. That she’d come to Allen to hang out with Kinley fora change of pace and walked right toward him wasincredible.
“Timing’s everything withtruemates,” Jason said. “Timing and having snacks around all thetime.”
“Yeah. Trust me. Whateversnacks she loves, make sure you have a supply of them. Sometimes alittle snack will stave off a huge argument. At least that’s myexperience with Cades.”
“Got it. Thanks for theadvice.”
“Anytime. I heard Cadesinvited Bella to hang out at the house tomorrow with London and thegirls.”
“Yeah, London let me knowthat she was looking forward to telling Bella all the shit I usedto do as a kid.”
“Siblings,” Jason said,making a face. “I’ll be around the house, so don’t worry about herbeing safe. I’ll be sure she, and your sister, are.”
“Thanks, Alpha.”
“You bet.”
When they reached the station, Jasonsaid goodbye to him and Drake and headed to his truck.
“All good?” Drakeasked.
“Around the community yes.Between my mate and her family? Not even a little bit.”
“Sorry man, it’ll all workout. The important thing is that you two are together. Focus onthat and let the chips fall where they will.”
Kash nodded.