Page 41 of Kash & Bella

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Page 41 of Kash & Bella

London snarled softly. “Something’swrong, his location is off. I’m going to call Alpha Jason and mydad.”

“Can I callsomeone?”

“The guard station, see ifwhoever he’s working with knows where he is.”

Bella called the stationand spoke to Rick, who said Kash was supposed to be back from alunch run and a stop at his parents’ house over an hour ago. Shecalled Jenna, who said Kash had never shown up at the house to pickup a package for her dad, and she’d been trying to call him for thelast hour.

As Bella’s heart pounded and worryfilled her, she knew in her heart that there was really only oneperson to blame for Kash going missing: her father.

“Alpha Jason wants us athis place now, my dad’s meeting us there, and my mom is too, she’sgoing to try to cast a location spell for Kash.”

“Okay.” Tears stung Bella’seyes as she sat in London’s car and buckled up. She put an armaround Bella and gave her a quick hug.

“Hey, Kash is a badass faemale. He will be fine, I’m sure of it.”

Bella nodded, too scared to sayanything. What if he wasn’t fine?

She pressed the number for her dad,and it went right to voicemail. So did a call to her mom and herbrother.

She was being fully shut out and nowher mate was missing.

What the hell had happened toKash?

Chapter Fifteen

Kash woke slowly with amajor headache and blurred vision. He tried to touch his head, butwhen he moved his hands, a chain rattled and he couldn’t get closeto his face because something hot and painful bit into hiswrists.

His vision cleared enoughthat he could see his wrists were shackled, and judging by thesharp pains and black lines running up his arms, the shackles weremade out of iron. Which was deadly as hell to fae if left on themlong enough. It started by leeching away their power and theirhealth, and eventually it would suck the very life fromthem.

He closed his eyes and tried to pullhis wings from his back, but his power would simply not come tohim. When he opened his eyes, his vision had cleared a little more,but the headache was terrible and didn’t seem to be healing. Hetried to cast a healing spell, but it did nothing. He didn’t knowhow long he’d been unconscious and in iron, but he would be royallyscrewed if he didn’t get free soon.

He swallowed against thebile that rose in his throat from the iron poisoning in his bodyand looked around. He was lying on a dirt floor in what looked likea cellar. The ceiling appeared to be made of wood planks and let inenough light for him to see.

He managed to pull himself up to aseated position, nearly barfing as his still-blurry vision winkedout entirely. Thinking back, he remembered a woman flagging himdown and then a male with a wrench.

But the question was, why?

He heard footsteps abovehim and then a section of the floor was lifted up and a male peereddown at him. Behind him, Kash could see wooden walls and figured hewas in the cellar of a barn.

He brought his gaze back to the malewho looked a little like Bella, figuring him for herbrother.

The male said nothing, so Kash startedthe conversation. His only hope was to get out of the iron beforeit weakened him so much he died.

“You’re Chris, right?Bella’s brother?”

“I guess that blow to thehead didn’t take your memories,” Chris said.

“Chris, why am I here?What’s going on?”

The iron was burning hisskin. He looked down at the heavy shackles and wiggled his wrists,but they were too tight for him to get free and it only served toirritate his already raw skin.

“You’re here because myfamily is being torn apart by my sister.”

“This isn’t the way to dealwith it. Let me free and we can go talk to Bella and your parentstogether.”

Chris stared at Kash for a longmoment. “Nah.”

Another male appeared and Kashrecognized him as the one who’d hit him with a wrench.

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