Page 1 of Gentle Love
Four Weeks Earlier
Help me. I found glitter on my dick.
I couldn’t help the laugh that erupted when I read the text from my best friend, Pike. His Little one was having her first sleepover and he was definitely out of his element.
Funkle Onyx is on the way, I replied, shaking my head. Poor Pike. He was a grumpy bastard. His Little girl, Dallas was a delight. How they made such a perfect couple baffled me.
“Everything good?” Axel asked as he unpacked several boxes of vodka.
“Dallas is having her first sleepover. It’s Pike and six Little girls. He is out of his comfort zone and needs backup.”
Axel laughed. “What in the world possessed him to say yes to Dallas and five of her Little friends? That Little girl is a handful all on her own.”
He was right. Dallas was the naughtiest brat I knew. Last week, she’d used her monthly allowance to purchase a tattoo gun and twelve honeydew melons after reading an article that said you should practice tattooing melons before people. Thankfully, for once in her life she’d listened and nobody we knew was sporting a botched tattoo.
I finished the inventory and closed out the system. “I’m going to rescue Pike. Do you want to come?”
“Hell, no. Six Littles hyped up on sugar sounds like a nightmare.”
“Uncle Onyx!” Dallas shouted as she launched herself off the couch and into my arms.
I caught her and pressed several obnoxiously loud kisses to her face before I set her on her feet.
“Why were you standing on the couch, little love?”
“I was trying to see how far I could bounce Emily.”
“Bounce Emily?” I walked around to the other end of the couch where another Little one, Emily, sat on the end of an air mattress looking a bit worried. “Dallas Kate, were you going to jump from the couch onto that mattress and see how far Emily would bounce in the air?”
She put a hand on her hip and rolled her eyes. “I just explained that to you. You need to turn on your listening ears.”
“Excuse me?”
She gave me a sheepish smile. “Sorry, I have on my sassy pants today.”
“Clearly.” I pointed to the corner.
“Nu,” she whined.
“The corner or a spanking. Your choice.”
“I hate this game. The choices are never fun,” she mumbled before stomping off to the corner.
Pike needed to beat her ass more.
I sat on the couch and motioned Emily toward me. She was such a sweet Little girl. There was something about her—she reminded me of Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty. Beautiful and pure, but passive. “Are you okay, princess?” I asked when she got close. Well, I asked when she got closer. She probably only moved an inch in my direction.
She nodded.
“I know you love Dallas, but you can always tell her if you don’t want to do something.”
She nodded again.