Page 12 of Gentle Love
“No problem.”
I ended the call and then laid Emily on the bed. “Uncle Pike is going to bring Nibbles over for a spend-the-night party. Everything’s okay.” I rubbed her belly over the towel.
“Nibble at ‘Mimmi’s house,” she said as she patted her chest.
Fucking precious.
“He is, but Uncle Pike and Dallas are at your house too.”
“Oh.” She wiped her eyes with her fists. It was so sweet and pure. The action made me want to wrap her in a bubble and protect her forever.
“I hope Teefs doesn’t be bad to Nibbles,” she added, looking anxious at the thought. “Teefs is not a good ‘xample.” Teefs was Dallas’ spooky baby. She was a green zombie with no hair and one eye. It was rumored she liked to munch of the toes of people who didn't do what Dallas wanted. Definitely a bad example for a pure bunny stuffie.
“I’m sure Uncle Pike will keep an eye on them,” I promised as I dried her off.
She really wasn’t all here with me right now, I noticed. Trauma affected everyone differently, so I wasn’t surprised she was a bit all over the place. I had been surprised she’d only made a little fuss about me giving her a bath, though I was very surprised to see she was slipping into Little space. I would give her whatever she needed, though.
She slipped her thumb into her mouth. It was precious. I didn’t comment. I didn’t want to draw too much attention to the action, and make her feel self-conscious.
Lifting her to my chest, I held her close and walked to the nursery. Dallas and her Little friend, Reagan had been the only Little girls in here so far.
“What doin’?” Emily asked.
I chuckled. I loved her Little speak.
“I’m bringing you to the nursery so I can get you in some cozy clothes.”
“Nursery?” Her head shot up as she looked around. “No, I’m…”
“Shhh,” I whispered, cutting her off. I didn’t want her to knock herself out of Little space. “You are a Little one. I am a Daddy. You need some comfort. I have some to give. It doesn’t have to be anything more than that, okay?”
Seemingly appeased by my explanation, she nodded and laid her head back on my chest.
“Good girl, princess.”
I laid her on the changing table and opened the towel. Buckling the strap around her slim waist was a delight. Her eyes widened and her response was endearing. Not totally sure about her Little age, I reached under the changing table and pulled out a dino diaper and a pair of llama panties.
Holding them both up, I let her make her choice. “Do you want dinos or llamas?”
She pointed to the pink diaper with purple dinos.
“Good choice,” I praised. “I like these the best too. We’ll have to get you some with tiaras since you’re a princess.”
Emily flushed and gave me a small smile.
I put the llama panties back under the table and grabbed some cream.
“I’m gonna put a little ouchie cream on your bottom, okay?”
She sucked her thumb and nodded.
“Hold tight, Little one.”
I walked over to the toy bin and sorted through it until I found a toy with beads inside. I walked back to the changing table and handed her the toy. “If you get nervous or scared and you want me to stop, you just give this a shake, okay?”
She nodded again.
“Go ahead and give it a shake so you can hear it.”