Page 17 of Road to Salvation
“I explained a little about his past and tried to fill him in on the main points,” I say with a sigh. “I wish I knew how to help him remember. I’ve missed him,” I confess. He squeezes me to him when I lean my head against his chest.
“We’ll figure something out, kitten. Just take one moment at a time. Don’t downplay the fact that this is a win.”
Well shit. He’s right. I should see this as a victory. He hasn’t told me he doesn’t believe me, and besides the memory loss, he’s here. He’s alive. I much prefer this to the alternative.
“Thank you.” I smile up at him and feel his happiness and comfort through our link.
“Anything for you.” He leans down and gives me a kiss, leaving me feeling breathless and a little dizzy.
Damn, can that man kiss.
We walk back into the room we met L.A.M.B. in, or at least some of them. If I went by who we’ve met so far, I’m missing the M in the name. We stop before the leather seats, right as Lilith walks out from the back with a heavily loaded covered tray in her hands. My stomach growls at the thought of food. When was the last time I ate? This morning before class? Is it even the same day?
“Ah! There you all are!” she beams. “Come now. You are all just in time for dinner.” She walks past us and goes down the hall between the bar and the poker table.
“I swear, we’re in the twilight zone,” Zeke says, turning and walking backward as he follows her.
“That I definitely agree with.” JP steps up next to Zeke and turns him around before pulling him into his side as they trail behind Lilith.
“At least it’s better than where I’ve been recently,” Moni whispers and visibly shudders.
I reach over and squeeze her hand, silently giving her my strength and reassurance. I need to make sure we have some girl time soon, so I can check in with her. It can’t be easy waking up to Demons and being assaulted, let alone without your mate.
“Maybe this is that fragile state Beelzebub was talking about,” Levi points out.
“So, is Lilith still possessed?” I ask Levi because the last I heard, the council was working on a way to help her.
Levi’s eyes go wide before a slight blush touches his cheeks, and he fiddles with his cufflinks. “Sorry, things have been kind of hectic lately, else I would have told you earlier. It turns out she’s unpossessed, but our fathers only told us she was staying with L.A.M.B. until she healed. I guess this is her healing,” he says, straightening his already perfect tie.
“Okay then.” I smile with pursed lips and wide eyes. This should be fun.
We follow Lilith down the hall as she carries her tray and through an arch into the next room on the left, which looks to be a dining room. The marble theme extends into this room as well, but the floor is more of a dark brown. The walls are a dark gray, with gold curtains draped along the walls and old tapestries depicting gruesome battles. That seems to be a theme within itself around here. In the middle of the room is an already set, rectangular table with high-backed chairs. The thing is big enough to seat at least twenty people comfortably.
Bez walks out of the swinging door in the back of the room, and I catch a glimpse of a large kitchen.
“Um…” I start.
“Lilith, why—”
Lilith slams down the tray she was carrying hard enough that the lid flies off the table and turns to glare at Zeke. Fire radiates from her eyes for a moment, until I realize it’s actually the glare of Bez’s fireball in his hand. The question, though: Is that for us or Lilith?
“What did you call me?” she growls.
Zeke’s eyes go wide as he backtracks. “Um… I mean… Mom?” Lilith’s eyes suddenly have unshed tears as a watery smile appears on her face. “Why walk all the way around carrying food if the kitchen is right there?” he points behind her.
Opening her arms, she approaches Zeke and pulls him into her chest, smothering him as she answers.
“Oh, my dear boy. How else would I be able to see you when you come in looking for a home-cooked meal?” She leans back and smiles sweetly at Zeke as she rubs her thumb along his cheek. “Momma has to take care of her boys now, don’t I?” Pulling back, she looks up and her eyes go wide, seeing all of us staring at her in shock. “It’s my first family dinner with all of my boys together.” She claps and holds her hands against her chest for a few minutes as she takes in our group. “Well, come on. Have a seat. I’ve made some favorites for all of you. Let me go get them. Bez, will you help?”
“Of course,” he says, extinguishing his fire and following her out, leaving us alone in the dining room.
“Does anyone else feel like we should be armed?” Lynx asks, pulling out a chair.
“Nah. It’s just Lilith. Now if all of L.A.M.B. was to join us, then yeah. I would advise you to sharpen your claws,” Ryker says, taking a seat and pulling me close to him as Levi pulls out my chair.
With Ryker on my left, Levi ends up sitting to my right at the end of the table. Lynx and Knox sit on the other side of Ryker, while Moni, JP, and Zeke sit across the table from me. The kitchen door swings open as we get comfortable, and my stomach clenches when I see Astaroth stroll through with a covered dish. Trometh clip-clops his way in shortly after with fruit and sets it on the table before disappearing into the kitchen again. Footsteps sound from the hallway we just came through, and Lucifer and a blue Demon I haven’t met yet walk in to join us.
“Ah, I see our intruders have had no problem making themselves comfortable,” Lucifer says, smiling, though it doesn't reach his eyes. He walks to the other end of the room and takes a seat at the head of the table. “How are you liking my hospitality so far?” He looks at all of us as he straightens out his cufflinks and his wings flutter. If I didn’t know better, I'd say I’m looking at an older Levi with his mannerisms.