Page 33 of Road to Salvation
I just knew going to my ‘Welcome Home’ party and drinking the night away was a bad idea, but it was my first time to really let loose after leaving my grandparents’ house. Drinking around the bonfire with old friends the weekend before college was supposed to be relaxing and fun. You know how it goes: letting your hair down, doing things you wouldn’t normally do, and blaming it on liquid courage.
“I’m not resisting. I’m just saying you’ve got the wrong girl,” I argued, my voice coming out in a jumble of grunts as I tried to find purchase for my hands in the gravel underneath me, only cutting myself in the process.
I felt air swoosh out of my lungs as I’m slammed back down and a knee is jammed into my back. Rocks bit into my skin as tears swell in my eyes. Well, this isn’t what I was expecting when I agreed to drink.
“You are hereby in violation of Order 12-4: Trespassing in an unauthorized travel zone,” a feminine voice says, while my arms are pulled sharply behind me, causing me to flinch. Cuffs locked around my wrist, cutting off all circulation to my hands. The motion pulled at my shoulders, and I heard a pop.
What the actual fuck?
The weight disappeared suddenly from my back, allowing me to lift my head and take a deep breath, only to break out in a coughing fit.
“Who are you, and why are you here?” a nasally voice demanded, and I can’t help but laugh between coughs. It’s a feat I don’t recommend. The person sounds like a double-stuffed chihuahua that was found in a twatwaffle!
Footsteps crunched across the rubble, and suddenly, I’m lifted off the ground to where my feet dangle in the air. I desperately tried to get my hair out of my eyes by shaking my head, huffing and puffing, trying to move the offending curls with no such luck. Black, thick fingers pushed my hair out of the way, and when I saw what was waiting for me, I quickly dropped my head back down.
Nope. Nada. Not today, Satan.
I suddenly fall and crumble to the rocky ground with a groan. FUCK! I struggled to sit up when I heard a chuckle and look back up. The fucking gorilla was laughing at me. A seven-foot-silver looking gorilla was chuckling at me as he scratched his monkey balls. Yeah, you heard that right. Big old hairy monkey balls were staring me in the face before I looked away in shock. For a moment, I wondered if Lynx would have claimed his were bigger, but again, I was given another shake and caught them jiggling with a sway out of the corner of my eye.
I quickly gaze back up at the nightmare, and the damn mountain of a primate just showed his teeth in what I could only hope was a smile and not a precursor to be eating me.
Wait? Do they eat meat?
Dammit! I guess I should have paid more attention in biology class.
He lumbered off, leaving behind what I would expect a fantasy world to look like in a post-apocalyptic world.
A huge black marble door looked broken in half from the top down, and it was standing in the middle of the construction zone. All around it stood what can only be described as a fairy tale from the Grimm Brothers’ book. I’m talking about creatures that towered over me, and not all of them were pretty or wearing clothes.
I tried to take it all in, but honestly, I was losing it. This wasn’t real. I tried taking in a deep breath, but my lungs refused to work. Panicking, I decided to focus on one object, any object, as my eyes bounced around.
The door!
My eyes swung back to the black door, and I swear I saw red eyes looking back at me right before the world started spinning and blissful blackness called me under.
* * *
The others around me gasp as they come out of the immersion. I wasn’t expecting to hear my own thoughts like that. I thought I would just see what I saw at the time or maybe truly just have the VR experience, not live it! Or is it re-live, since it’s a memory, even if I can’t remember it?
“Damn. Did anyone else feel all of that?” Ryker asks beside me.
“Yeah, that was enlightening,” Knots says, clearing his throat.
“I could actually feel the gravel along my body. Is that normal?” Chester asks in awe.
I stare at the blank screen as Knox kneels and pushes against my legs. I open my thighs to allow him closer, and he lays his head on my belly. Instinctively, I run my fingers through his hair and mumble, “I’m okay. It was just weird. That’s all.”
“Wow, bestie. I never knew you had so much to say! It’s like you have something that holds you back all the time,” Moni says in awe, before looking at Chester with concern.
“It’s called a filter. Some people have it. But I think Rez might have been too shocked to bypass hers. She doesn’t seem to have a problem turning it off most of the time,” Lynx laughs.
Moni looks at Chester with concern. “Should I have one, or was she just broken?” she asks.
Chester, without missing a beat, wins the best boyfriend award tonight. “You’re perfect,” he says, kissing her on the forehead.
Zeke clears his throat, grabbing our attention. “Are you ready for the next file marked Human Council?”