Page 40 of Road to Salvation
“What’s on Sunday?” Bez inquires with his mouth full. I’m so tempted to point out that he needs to work on his manners but I highly doubt the friendly murderer would appreciate that.
“Levi’s ceremony,” Knox supplies.
“Huh?” Knots asks, his bite of food dropping off of his fork.
Fuck, did I not tell him?
All the dishes freeze as Lilith looks up at Levi. “You’re taking your oath this weekend and you didn’t invite me, your own mother?” Lilith looks at me, and my jaw drops as my hands come up in defense.
“Woah. First of all, if we were taking that oath, I would have invited everyone, even my new male bestie, Lucy,” I say, giving him a hesitant look.
“Watch it, kid,” Lucifer growls, but he doesn’t smite me, so I’m calling it another win!
“So don’t look at me. It’s my evil nemesis that’s trying to steal my man,” I say as I look at Levi. He gives me a sad smile and reaches over to squeeze my hand before addressing his mother.
“It has come to my attention that… I have certain obligations that I need—”
“Oh cut the crap, Levi,” Zeke says, looking at him in annoyance. He turns and looks at Lilith. “He’s being blackmailed.”
“By whom?” Lilith demands with fire igniting in her eyes. Her jaw clenches tight, and I catch her tail twitch along with the slight extending of her wings.
Wait, how did I miss a tail? She has a tail?
I elbow Knots and point to the plate of scrambled eggs in front of him. There’s no point in not eating just because she’s getting caught up on our drama. We start manually passing around bowls of food, and once I have tullé strips, fruit, and eggs on my plate, I dig in.
I’m actually surprised he didn’t mention any of this when I ran away after dinner last night. You would have thought they would have had a mother–son moment, but, oh well. I guess I wasn’t gone that long.
“King Elverson,” Knox growls. Well, there’s no question how he feels about him.
“Alrin Elverson? As in Emer’s father?” Lilith asks, looking at us. “Why would he be blackmailing you?” she says, her words deliberate and cautious.
“It seems Princess Emer didn’t appreciate the word no,” Levi grumbles while pouring himself some juice.
“You know what? She did mention at our training class that once she had you bound to her, it was only a matter of time before she had the others. Do you think she was just after my harem?” I question, and Lucifer and Bez both snicker.
I snap my head in their direction. “What’s so funny?” I ask with an attitude. If my eyes could flame like theirs, they would absolutely be sparking right now.
“Harem,” Lucifer says mockingly. “Harems are mostly for strong, powerful females, sweetheart,” he says condescendingly.
“Shows what he knows,” Lynx mumbles, but we all hear him.
Before anyone else can chime in on my behalf, I give him my own smile and begin singing in my head: “Jesus loves me! This I know, For the Bible tells me so; Little ones to Him belong; They are weak, but He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me!”
The room starts shaking and something in the kitchen falls with a shatter. Murmur jumps from his seat and runs into the other room as Astaroth and Bez jump up to hold various pictures along the wall. My guys reach out and grab the food to hold it steady, and all I do is look at Lucifer as he stares right back at me.
Never the one to back down for obvious reasons, he smiles, and in the blink of an eye, my body is airborne. I'm whipped around until my back hits something hard and my lungs give out an oof as all the air leaves me.
A hand closes around my throat, cutting off any sound I hope to make as my eyes pop open wide. Lucifer’s blue-green orbs stare into mine from less than a foot away as I fight for breath. He leans into me while loosening his grip slightly, allowing me to take in a shallow breath, and I can't help noticing my chest is rubbing against his.
Dear Jesus, why is this so fucking hot?
I hear the swooshing of the fire from where I’m up against the wall, but I can’t see it. The room is black, except for a red haze, yet I can clearly make out Lucifer's face. Gone is the dining room and everyone else. It’s just me and the devil.
Hot damn!
“You, Nerezza, are testing my patience!” he growls. His sweet smelling-breath runs across my skin, and I almost melt.
“You… love… it… though,” I wheeze out.