Page 44 of Road to Salvation
My hips slowly rock as she leans against me, and I feel my pending release as the tingling reaches down to my toes. Rez must know I’m about to come because she simply looks up at me and winks, then starts humming.
“Fuuuuuuck!” I moan as I explode in Rez’s hot mouth, and the waves of my cum shoot down her throat. I almost slip against the counter as she continues to keep her promise and takes everything I give her and then some. Once I’m spent, she licks my cock clean and puts me gently back into my pants, zipping them up for good measure.
“Damn. You’re fucking gorgeous,” I say, reaching for her face.
“Levi.” She laughs, pulling away. “I just swallowed your cum.”
“And it was hot as hell,” I tell her, slamming her mouth against mine. I taste my salty self on her lips, but I don’t care. It drives me crazy that she thinks I won’t kiss her just because she spent the time worshipping me in that fashion. She deserves the world, and if all I can do is kiss her right now, then so be it. I try to deepen the kiss, but Rez playfully nips at me, so I take the hint and lean my forehead against hers.
“I wish I had time to repay you,” I gasp, still coming down from the high.
She giggles as she shakes her head and smiles. “It was your reward; no need to return the favor. But if you want to help me out, I could really use a cleanup spell on my underwear.” She runs her tongue ring over her lower lip before continuing. “They’re kinda wet,” she confesses.
Imposter Syndrome
Thankfully, Levi’s spell saves me from needing to change my underwear, but it does nothing for the wetness between my thighs. We walk back into the kitchen like nothing happened, but a quick peep at Knox and Ryker proves I’m not as slick as I think I am. Ryker’s brilliant blue eyes lock on me as he licks his lips and rubs his tummy, confirming he’s been fed.
As I sit down, I notice Knox raise his chin slightly and inhale deeply, giving me a knowing smirk. If only I could kick him under the table, but lucky for him, I feel his humor through our link, so I give him a wink.
“So what did I miss?” I ask as I pick up my drink and take a sip.
“Besides most of breakfast?” Chester says before Moni elbows him, and he mumbles his apology.
Lilith gives a small clap and pulls everyone’s attention, graciously giving me a break and getting us all back on track. “It seems we have a lot to do in a short amount of time. We need to work on at least one memory spell, and possibly two; that is, if you want one as well.” Lilith looks at Knots, and he does a half-shrug move she takes as a yes. “And we have a time limit to get you all back to Purgatory by Sunday for Levi’s oath,” she adds, choking on the last word.
Well, I guess they did a good deal of catching up while I was occupied.
She touches the pearls at her neck, trying to hide that she just threw up in her mouth. It’s comforting that she feels as disgusted by the idea as we all are. This new Stepford Lilith is probably harder for my guys to adjust to than it is for me, having not spent much time with her before she was unpossessed. If it weren’t her saying things about my mother, I probably wouldn’t have many reservations toward the Demon. “Also, with the new information that was brought to my attention this morning”—I give JP a questioning look, and he nods, letting me know he’ll explain later—“I believe Adam, but there had to be a bigger player behind my possession, including the attack during my ritual with Rez. So, that only gives us today and tomorrow to get the ingredients, so while you were attending to Leviathan, I decided to speed things up. Though you might have to come back after the ceremony to complete the spell. ”
With a quick glimpse around the table, I’m glad to see I’m not the only one lost. “Excuse me, but Adam?” I question.
“Oh, yes,” Lilith chuckles. “Remember that first day of class when I told you Adam was my first husband and was currently strapped to a table, having his skin flayed from his body?”
The memory is faint, but I nod, getting a queasy feeling in my stomach as I wonder where she’s going with this.
“That’s the Adam they are bringing,” she explains, her lip curling up into a smile. “The backstabber who took decades from me, my loves, and my sons.”
Before she can say anything further, one of the Arte Demons approaches her and bows.
“Speak,” she demands. Once the Demon says what it needs to, Lilith smiles. “Ahh, it seems he’s here already. Come. Let’s have some fun. You will all get to see the art that is torture.” She claps giddily with excitement, her eyes alight with an unholy fire that makes me like her even more.
We get up to follow her, but not before grabbing a few more pieces of tullé strips off my plate and shoving them into my mouth. Don’t judge me. A girl’s got to keep up her strength. Moni shrinks down and sits on my shoulder to whisper in my ear. “Where were you earlier?” she asks.
“Striking a deal with the Devil,” I admit, knowing very well she meant to ask what I was doing with Lucifer, and immediately run into Knox’s back.
“What deal?” Knots asks from over my shoulder. I’m now pinned against Knox, with Chester by my side, Knots at my back, and the wall to my right.
“L.A.M.B. is going to train us if I promise not to turn his house into rubble,” I say, shrugging. Knox throws his head back and laughs before continuing on, and Moni’s awestruck as she looks at me.
“Really? We get to train with L.A.M.B.?” Her eyes are as big as saucers, and her bark lights up like a glitter ball. “They’re like superstars!” she says and swoons, falling off my shoulder. Chester easily catches her before giving me a shy smile and following Knox.
“That’s all he wanted from you?” my Door Knight asks as he grabs my hand and we continue walking.
“Yeah. Why?” I ask, wondering if there was something I should be worried about.