Page 5 of Road to Salvation
I wonder if I kicked Lynx in the balls if that would make him get his memory back. Never in my wildest imagination did I believe I would find him again, but without his memory. Speaking of which, how did I lose my memory of him in the first place? One minute I was thinking of him—even found him in the dreamscape, or whatever it really was—and next… His memory is gone. Poof. Like he never existed.
My feelings are all over the place. I feel like shit that I forgot about him, even for a moment. Yet, I’m livid that someone did this to us. Did those horrible things to him. Killed him? Looking at him, though, he looks like nothing has happened. If I didn’t know our link still works, I would think he’s an imposter. I’m so confused. I’m trying to be positive and focus on the fact that he’s alive and here with me, but all I see is the huge problem in front of me. How do I get my Lynx back?
Is there a manual for this? A potion? A magic eight ball? My chest is in a vice grip as I watch the guys properly introduce themselves to my best friend and mate.
This isn’t how I expected this meeting to go. Maybe something more chaotic, or funny even, but not soul-crushing to the point where I’m left fighting to understand the emotions cycling through me. One moment I’m devastated, feeling as though I’ve lost Lynx all over again even though he’s standing right before me. In the next, I’m fucking pissed. How in the hell did this happen? Whose ass do I need to kick? And how the fuck do I fix this? Horror overcomes me at the thought that this can’t be fixed. No, I refuse to believe that. I didn’t just get him back to lose him.
I must zone out for a little while, because the next thing I hear is Lynx asking how he got his name and why he didn’t get a cooler one.
“Jesus flipping Christ,” I curse under my breath and a spurt of lava jumps up near us, making me squeal like a stuffed pig. “Shit! Watch out for exploding lava. Where are we again?” I ask, not having really paid attention in the first place.
“Hell,” Levi deadpans.
Well, shit on my bed with lava. This is just great.
How in the world did we end up in Hell without dying? Is it like Purgatory, where I didn’t have to die to pass over to this plane? Did a door bring us here? I didn’t see one; though it’s great that I remember how we got here this time.
“Just to clarify, we’re not dead, right?” I ask no one in particular.
Ryker chuckles, grabbing my attention. “No, we’re definitely not dead. But I have no idea where we are in Hell,” he states.
Great, that answers that question at least! The rest can wait, I guess. I turn back to Lynx’s questioning gaze.
“To answer your question, Lynx, I named you, but you have to give me a break. I was six, and you showed up as a small furball on my doorstep,” I recap as he gives me a blank look.
Lord have mercy, I’m going to lose my mind trying to help him gain his back.
Another spurt of lava leaps. “Are you kidding me?” I grunt out a sigh. Picking up on my thoughts, JP chuckles as he moves over to me.
“I guess it’s true what they say. Using any heavenly words or thoughts is a sin in Hell,” he explains, looking at the lava as another spurt pops, giving off more heat in the tiny office.
My clothes are going to melt off of me if this keeps up.
“So, you were the only one responsible enough to name me? Why didn’t your parents give me a proper name?” Lynx questions, giving me a doubtful look.
Bringing my attention back to Lynx, annoyance flares once again at his question. I don’t care if he’s my mate or not, I’m gonna make sure he can never reproduce! I hear Knox chuckle beside me, obviously picking up on my feelings. As I push back my jacket sleeves, I take a step forward in preparation to sock Lynx when the floor shakes and a god-awful sound screeches in the room, making us cover our ears at the intrusion.
Turning toward the noise, we back up next to Lynx as the wall parts and a yellowish light spills into the room. A silhouette steps in front of the glow, blocking it from filtering through and effectively cutting off our escape.
The creature standing in the doorway is at least seven-foot tall, I’m guessing, but he’s definitely wide enough to be blocking the freaking door. He’s taller than my guys, but not as tall as the Giant I was hanging off of a few days ago.
Was it really only a few days ago?
Something flares behind him, and suddenly my throat feels dry and I find it really hard to swallow. It shifts, and light illuminates something in his hand. I realize it’s a machete resting in his palm.
Okay, it’s official. I’m not a badass. I thought I was, but my magic doesn't always work, and I’m not sure if it could put up an adequate fight against whatever the hell he is.
My heart rate speeds up, and I quickly wipe my sweaty palms on my black jeans as the creature ducks and walks into the room. Knox’s fingers lightly wrap around my waist as he tries to gently move me behind him, but I’m not having any of it. Prying his fingers off, I give his hand a squeeze in thanks, but hold my stance. Fire ignites in the creature's palm, and he throws it between our group. It casts shadows around the room, lighting it further than the red and purple hues we were getting used to.
I quickly take in the creature, or I guess Demon, in front of me. Sepia skin, just like my own, a bald or shaved head with two black horns sprouting from his skull, and a five o’clock shadow along the hard planes of his jaw. He’s shirtless, with a massive tattoo over his chest. The tattoo is of two wings, two skulls facing each other with a sword running between them, and underneath, it spells out L.A.M.B.
What’s a L.A.M.B.? Does he have a thing for cute little white fluffiness on four legs?
I snort laugh but quickly stifle it so he doesn’t kill me.
Something flutters behind him that catches my attention. Wings! Black, feathered wings flicker along his body, tearing my eyes away from his impressive length, not realizing that’s where I was staring. He looks over the group, and when his eyes land on me, I swear my breathing stops. There are actual flames in his chocolate pupils as he stares at me. It’s like if I dare move, it will allow him to crack me open, study, judge, and punish me in one blink of an eye. And I don’t mean in a good way.
He gives me a half nod, as if he finds me acceptable, and turns his attention to Lynx, squinting his eyes as he inhales deeply.