Page 60 of Road to Salvation
“You guys are crazy. We’re getting off track. Give us the antidote and I’ll have Ryker and Knox take you someplace safe,” Zissa promises.
“Okay. It’s in the golden vial under the countertop,” he admits and hangs his head. The other Goblin just continues to cry that he’s sorry, that he did it for his family.
My heart breaks for the poor guy as Moni hands Levi the vial. The vial is pretty enough, but the sludge inside makes my stomach churn just looking at it. It’s a dark white, visceral substance, and when Levi pops the cork, it smells even worse than the Goblins.
“I have to drink that?” I ask, wrinkling my nose.
“Not all of it. Just a sip, and the rest will go on your skin over the black veins,” Levi supplies.
“Oh, great… I think I'd rather die,” I whine. Levi brings it up to my mouth, and I gag, almost throwing up. I physically can’t do it, even with the heat increasing along my forearm.
“Sorry. I seriously can’t do it, guys. Go on without me.” I dry heave, catching another whiff of it.
Levi glances over my shoulder, and Knox's arms become a vice grip around me as I find myself restrained.
“Fuck! What are you doing?” I squirm, trying to move.
“Saving you, kitten. You’ll thank us later,” Knox says as he lifts me up so I’m plastered against his chest.
Ryker comes up next to me and pinches my nose, but I refuse to open my mouth. No way in fucking hell am I drinking that shit. I have no idea what part of his body it came out of.
“Rez, please,” Levi begs while holding the vial right above my lips, ready to betray me once I open my mouth to breathe.
‘Knots!! Help. Do we even know if it’s an antidote? It smells like shit; it’s probably going to kill me.’ I try to get his help, but all he says is sorry.
My lungs start to burn and my body starts to twitch involuntarily. Great, my own body fucking betrays me. My mouth flies open, and Levi quickly pours some of the foul liquid down my throat before slamming his hand against my lips. Ryker releases my nose and whispers in my ear.
“Come on, baby, be a good girl and swallow. We know you can!”
I send him a scathing look, and he shrugs unapologetically. “The faster you swallow, the quicker the taste is gone.”
Fuck, he has a point.
I swallow the liquid down, then start coughing as it burns. Levi quickly starts pouring the rest of the vial along my arm, and I hear it sizzling on my skin, yet all I feel is a slight cooling sensation. I watch as the veins start to disappear.
Knox releases me, and I turn on all of my men in attendance. “That’s it… None of you are getting any sex!” I yell, pointing at all of them. Cheers and boos explode around us from the closest stalls, and I’m too pissed to even be embarrassed. All I do is turn to the closest Demons and say, “Don’t you have shopping to do rather than watch my shit show?” I hiss. A Demon that takes after my own smartass self smirks and says “no” while peering at some cloth.
I turn back to study my guys and I huff, “I’m serious. You’re not getting shit from me.”
“We were only trying to save your life,” Levi explains.
I turn to the blubbering Goblin that Knots is walking around the stall to join Ryker. “How do you produce the antidote?”
He sniffs and looks up at me with wide eyes. “What?”
“Where did that white secretion come from? Like what orifice?” I ask, knowing damn straight I shouldn’t. I could have just walked away and believed it came from sugar and rainbows and unicorn farts delivered it, but I just had to ask.
He swallows and glances around nervously, as if waiting for someone to save him before he brings his attention back to me. “It comes from our armpits, ma’am. It’s the sweat that’s produced while our body warms to make the poison.”
“Ugh. I think I’m going to…” Moni doesn’t finish her sentence before she faints just as Knox reaches out to catch her.
Well, I’m glad he didn’t say it was jizz.
I run to the side of the stall next to the Demon that didn’t have anything better to do and give him a show. I mean, who doesn’t enjoy watching a girl throw up armpit sweat?
I Shall Call him Fluffy, and he Shall be Mine!