Page 7 of Road to Salvation
Not knowing what to do or what she means by socket pocket, I look over my shoulder at the guys, and they all have a look of pity. JP pulls Moni into him and starts whispering words that slowly calm her down, and her skin turns back to her standard green color. I walk back to the group and sit down next to Ryker as Zeke slides over and leans in to whisper.
“For some creatures, their tails are very sensitive and can be a direct stimulus to certain body parts. Luckily, Moni’s tail doesn’t directly affect her reproductive organs, else she just went through the equivalent of sexual assault on humans. Though, what she experienced wasn’t pleasurable at all,” Zeke informs me. I swivel to look back at her as my heart breaks for another reason besides her missing her mate.
Bee comes back out of the room with a purple body shuffling after him. What the hell is that? The creature is no bigger than a toddler, or a four-year-old. Dammit, I wish I was better with measurements. It has large purple ears with earrings dangling from the side of its head. White hair sprouts from the top of its head along with two small lighter purple horns. He’s dressed in all leather, but his midrift is bare. Big clunky boots with spikes around the soles, I’m sure, weigh him down and add to him shuffling instead of picking up his feet. His head swings our way, and I’m taken aback at the sight of him. His cat eyes glow a slight orange as he takes in our little group. He has two small fangs that pop out over his lower lip. The only normal thing about him is his cute button nose.
JP and Moni sit down on the chair and footstool in front of us as Bee leans against the wall, looking our group over. The little purple dude walks over to join him, barely coming up to his knee.
“Did you find the intruder?” A husky voice rings out from across the room. I peer around Ryker to find another Demon walking through the archway by the bar.
Damn. He’s yummy.
JP catches my eye and arches an eyebrow my way. All I do is shrug and say, ‘So? He’s hot! Sue me.’
JP chuckles and cocks his head to agree with me.
Bringing my attention back to the new Demon, I let my eyes travel over his form, and a part of me is disappointed that he’s wearing clothes. At least the tight white Henley shirt is form-fitted, showing off his broad chest, and his black jeans are tight around his thighs. Red and black leathery wings are pulled tight against his back, and I follow them down to where a tail in the same color as his wings swishes behind him. I’m surprised that the thick black boots make no noise along the marble flooring as he walks in. His long strides remind me of a panther stalking its prey. It’s hard to make out his eye color from here, but it’s easy to see that they are definitely unique and bright, to the point of glowing.
As he reaches Bee’s side, I realize he’s as tall as our first captor, even with his ram horns curling around the side of his head. I admit I’m a little jealous of how his long, light-brown hair seems to float around his shoulders as he walks. Is that a power thing, or is that just a trait he gained? Would it be rude to ask?
“Just kids,” Bee answers and nods in our direction.
The newest Demon motions for the little purple guy, and the toddler jumps to attention.
“Go get the boss, Trometh,” he instructs, and the purple guy nods before running out of the room like his ass is on fire.
The hottie turns toward us, where I can get a closer look at his face. Those glowing eyes almost put Lynx’s to shame. There’s a yellow flame glowing in his light-blue eyes, and if it wasn’t for the intensity with which he’s staring at us, I would find them gorgeous. His full beard only highlights his plump lips, which are currently pulled down in a frown.
“How the fuck did you get in our vault?” the Demon demands, his eyes traveling across our group.
“That’s Astaroth, the original Wrath Demon,” Ryker whispers to me, and suddenly, my mouth goes dry again.
“That was a vault? Looked more like a mausoleum to me,” Lynx answers, giving the Demon a bored look. I appreciate what Lynx is trying to do by attempting to lighten the mood, but I doubt Astaroth will see it that way. Both Demons have their arms crossed over their chests while staring down at us.
Astaroth’s tail whips out in the blink of an eye, and a small boom cracks, making us all jump. Welp, guess I don’t have to worry about Lynx missing his memories. He’s not going to live long enough for it to be an issue.
“I see we have a funny guy in our presence,” he says, taking a step in Lynx’s direction. “Do you know what we do with funny guys?” he says, his voice dropping an octave.
“Take lessons? Because you should. I doubt you know how to take a joke,” Lynx replies easily, and he gives me a wink when he catches my jaw drop.
Astaroth gives Lynx a cruel smile that makes my heart race, and the lump I am trying to swallow gets stuck.
Fuck, we’re dead.
“Bez. Want to get the table ready? I’m thinking about making you a new holster for your machete, and I just found a volunteer,” he says as he slowly prowls closer to Lynx.
Bez? Well, dang it. That’s better than Bee.
The atmosphere around the room becomes tense as the guys shift uncomfortably. Lynx smartly stands up and moves to put the chair between him and the approaching Demon. At least he has some sense of self-preservation.
What the fuck is going on? Is this about to turn into a bloodbath? I haven’t gotten to the Demon chapter yet in class. I know they have an entire month dedicated to them. Surely we can’t be held responsible for falling into a private residence when it wasn’t our fault.
I can’t be the only one that feels like I’m being judged or fucked with, and it’s confirmed when I hear a familiar voice come from behind Bez.
“Astro, Bez, will you stop tormenting our guests?” I would recognize Lilith’s purr anywhere. Her hand wraps up and over Bez’s shoulder, making the massive Demon’s muscles melt under her palm. She smiles up at him before turning her attention in our direction. Her eyes go wide as her mouth drops slightly. I would find it comical if it didn’t send Bez back on high alert as his hand conjures up a ball of flames.
So that’s where the flames came from when we were in the vault. This guy can conjure up fire.
She steps out from behind him, and I do a double take as I take in her outfit. She’s dressed in a light-blue 1950s sundress with white pearls around her neck with a blue flower pinned in her curled hair. I swear, I’m looking at a real-life Stepford wife, but in Demon form because she no longer looks human. Her skin is a bright burgundy color—the same as her hair—and there are beautiful white glowing tendrils lining her hairline and falling down her cheeks. Her black spider-webbed wings lay against her dress, and her tail swings down by her Jimmy Choos.