Page 84 of Road to Salvation
‘Great. Flying knives. Just what I need,’ I hear Rez’s voice in my head.
‘You got this, kitten,’ I say and send her some encouragement as the first raptor comes closer.
“Any weak points?” Ryker yells out.
“Yeah. Throats, belly, and eyes,” Zissa supplies.
“Good to know,” Ryker says. “Knox. One coming up,” he yells, and a knife flies through the air and into the closest one’s eye.
It screams and stops in its tracks, shaking its head and bringing up its claw to try and dislodge the knife. Not wasting the distraction, I take off and leap for its neck. My teeth sink into the soft, vulnerable throat, and the beast doubles its efforts to dislodge me and the knife. My back paws come up and block his arm between his body and mine, and I push off, clamping my jaws tight as I flip into the air.
Landing on my feet, I let the monster’s throat and foul blood fall from my mouth before searching around for my next target. Zeke runs toward another target, his blades catching the light as he bobs between the animal’s claws, and he’s doing a great job taking down his creature on his own.
“No!” I hear Rez yell, and I search behind me to see her and Zissa doing fine and taking on their own monster. So what was she yelling for? Red streaks catch my eye, and I internally groan. Reaper is going to be the death of us.
I take off after the pup that’s heading for one of the Pteroraptors.
‘Yay, playdate!’ Fluffers yells.
‘It’s not a playdate. Do you not see the big killer turkeys running around?’ I ask.
‘But I’ve always wanted a little brother to play with. What are we playing? Tag?’ Fluffers asks.
‘We’re playing, don’t let the little guy DIE!’
‘Oh! I like that game,’ Fluffers jumps for joy, with his tongue lolling out of his mouth.
I’m flanking the Pteroraptor, and I put on a burst of extra speed. As it reaches down for the puppy, I jump and body slam into him, causing him to falter and my body to fall to the ground, where I become disorientated.
‘I got this,’ Fluffers says, and I get the sense that my tail is wagging and my tongue is lolling out of my mouth as Fluffers barks at Reaper and they take off. All I see is gray and nothing makes sense.
‘Did you just take over?’ I ask Fluffers.
‘Of course I did. You must have hit your head if you didn’t hear me,’ he tells me.
‘At least let me fucking see!’ I say, panicking.
My vision clears, and I immediately wish I couldn’t see. We weave between the monsters legs and Fluffers is fucking prancing around on the battlefield.
‘Are you kidding me? We’re going to die,’ I yell, trying to get through to him.
Reaper barks and chases after us, and that’s when I see it. The Pteroraptor screeches as its legs get tangled up in Reaper’s long tail and falls to the ground. Fluffers jumps over the raptor’s back and rips the throat out of our second kill.
Mimicking us, Reaper grabs onto the dead predator and growls. Maybe there’s some hope for him after all.
Demstone or DemNuts
It’s a mixture of pure chaos and beauty as I catch sight of everyone’s fights. Zissa has just finished taking down the one that came toward us. JP shoots water arrows into the Pteroraptor that Zeke is slicing up pretty well. I quickly spot Reaper with Knots as he chews on the dead turkey, and that gives me some relief, but it’s short-lived when I hear Moni scream.
Turning, I find blood gushing from her back as she rams her bo-staff into a Pteroraptor’s eye and Chester jams his spear into its neck. It thrashes and yanks at Chester’s Guandao. Lynx’s black tiger comes out of nowhere and tackles the creature, ripping out its throat with a vicious roar.
A piercing shriek behind me has me turning and throwing up my arm with my glaive, but Levi is there with his bo-staff. He blocks the Pteroraptor before he can sink his claws into me. His sharp jaws snap at Levi’s head, and I automatically reach for my barrier, feeling the heat traveling down my arm. Without much thought, I throw my hand out over Levi’s shoulder and picture my shield. The raptor's head slams into my shield as Levi’s eyes go wide at the proximity of those razor-sharp teeth.