Page 8 of Her Brutal Bodyguard
Gunnar leans in, and the first thought that goes through my mind is that he’s going to kiss me.
I feel my heart skip a beat, but just as his lips are about to press against mine, he dips his chin and aims his forehead at my nose.
“A headbutt,” he says. “Headbutt the son of a bitch right in the nose as hard as you can. That’ll stop him.”
My entire body relaxes, and I release the breath I realize I’ve been holding in my lungs. “Now it’ll hurt you too, but if you do it hard enough, you’ll break the fucker’s nose and he’ll be way worse off than you, and you’ll be able to get up and get the hell away from him.”
“Or grab my mace and spray him until he can’t breathe any longer.”
Gunnar grins. “See? Now you’re learning.”
The moment hangs between us, Gunnar smiling at me like a proud teacher, and I can feel my lips twisting up as I smile back at him. I’ve only ever seen him on TV with his face pounded all to hell, bloody and beaten after a fight, but up close and personal like this, he’s actually incredibly handsome.
From this distance, I can see the scars all across his face, a visual resume of his life as a fighter. There’s something…romantic about it, even though I know it must have come with pain and suffering on his end.
I feel hot.
With his thick, muscular body on top of mine and his strong hand holding me down in place, I feel small and overpowered. But at the same time, I feel safe. His shaggy brown hair hangs just above his eyes and looks like he cut it himself with a pair of dull scissors, making him look like he just strolled in out of the wilderness where he was living in a cabin he built himself out of logs. His arms are so brawny he looks like he could pick me up and lift me over his shoulder like I was a bag of oatmeal.
I shift slightly to the side beneath him and realize as my thighs squeeze together that my panties are wet beneath my gym pants just from being so close to this man. And that’s something that’s never happened to me before.
“Nina?” I look up and realize Gunnar is staring directly into my eyes. The power from his gaze is nearly as powerful as his grip, and I find it impossible to look away.
“Y-yes?” I stammer.
“You all right? I didn’t scare you, did I?”
“What? No,” I reply quickly. “I was just…thinking about something.”
“Oh, yeah? Like what? Having sex with me?” Gunnar’s words shock me like a blow to the chest, so much so that I’m not even able to respond. “Because that’s what I was thinking about.”
Oh my God, can he read my mind?
“Wait, what? No! You’re Riley’s friend. You’re off-limits!”
Quickly, I wriggle out from underneath Gunnar and stand up. I can see him already smiling at me as I take a few steps back. He walks forward and cocks his head to the side.
“Off-limits, eh? Because I’m Riley’s friend?”
“That’s right!” I nod vehemently.
“And that’s the only reason why you don’t want to have sex with me, Nina?”
Shit. Walked right into that one.
“Because technically I’m actually Jason’s friend. And Jason is Riley’s cousin. So I’m not really Riley’s friend, and even if I was, it’s not like Riley and I were ever boyfriend and girlfriend, so it’s not like I’m off-limits in that respect, you know what I mean?”
He makes a good point…
“Is it hot in here?” he asks, taking off his gloves, then slipping out of his T-shirt to reveal his shredded physique beneath. God, his chest is ripped and his abs are a total washboard. He’s one hell of a man and he clearly knows it.
Filthy thoughts fill my mind. I glance around the gym as he advances on me.
Most of the crowd has filtered out. There’s a couple of guys training on bags behind us in the corner, but that’s about it. My heart is absolutely pounding inside my chest as he gets closer and closer, and before I know it, Gunnar has me pinned up against one of the support columns with his arms on either side of my neck, his intense eyes locked on mine.
“You never should have told me you were a virgin,” he whispers. “Now I want you all to myself.”
My cup is about to burst from all the pressure my cock is putting on it from the inside as I stare down at Nina, the sexiest, most adorable girl I’ve ever met in my entire life.
She’s got it going on physically, but there’s so much more to her, and in just the brief amount of time I’ve spent with her already, I can feel myself falling head over heels for her like I’m back in middle school with my first crush.