Page 71 of Tangled Decadence
I’m not the only one who’s still craving seconds.
My cock jumps hungrily, but I ignore it. I don’t want to wake her up. Not just yet anyway.
Part of the problem is the last kernel of doubt still remaining. It’s deep—very deep—withering away in the darkness where I’ve kept it. But it won’t die, the stubborn fuck. There’s only one way to get rid of it: expose it to the light.
No more lies, okay? If this is gonna work, you’re gonna have to be honest with me.
I should have come right out and told her then and there. But something held me back. Call it pride, call it stupidity, call it my inherent sense of self-sabotage… but it had kept me from telling her the truth.
It’s a simple fix. All I have to do is wake her up right now and just fucking tell her. But as my fingers float toward her again and drag lightly through her wetness, I decide later is just as good as now.
“Dmitri…” It comes out in a low moan, laced with a smile.
“Didn’t get enough last night, I see.”
Her smile gets a little bigger, a little hungrier, though her eyes stay closed. “Apparently, neither did you.”
She’s right about that. So I take her in my arms and fuck her slowly. I bury my face in her neck when she comes and, as she moans, I can feel our son kick hard against her stomach.
“Jeez,” she whispers in the aftermath, “I think you woke him up.” She twists around inch by inch, wincing as she faces me. “Ugh, I can’t wait to not be pregnant anymore.”
I run a palm up and down her belly. “I like you pregnant.”
She scowls. “Yeah well, get ready to say goodbye to this belly, ‘cause I’m not gonna be that way much longer.”
Smirking, I kiss her forehead. She smells like… me. Fuck, does that feel good.
I take one more deep inhale, then shove myself out of bed with a sigh. “We have work to do,” I announce. “Things to move around.”
“What kind of things?” Wren asks in confusion as she props herself up on her elbows, hair deliciously mussed and eyes still furrowed with sleep.
“I’m moving in here. If you think I’m gonna spend another night without you at my side, you’re delusional.”
Her jaw drops open, but the flush on her cheeks tells me that she’s more pleased than she cares to admit. Still, she suppresses the smile and edges herself off the bed. “If our new relationship status means that you think you can boss me around and make all the decisions without my input, you’ve got another thing coming, buddy.”
My exhausted cock perks up immediately. “Is that right? Tell me more about what’s coming.”
She keeps her teeth clamped down on that smile, no matter how bad she wants to set it free. “We may be ‘together—’” It’s deeply annoying to me that she puts the word in air quotes. “—but that doesn’t mean you get to decide everything without discussing it with me first.”
I get a fraction of a second to admire her full body as she rises to her feet before she snatches the silk robe hanging off the white chaise and yanks it on. But even after she’s cinched it around her waist, I can see her hard nipples poking through the thin fabric.
I saunter closer to her. “Some things aren’t really up for discussion.”
“Everything is up for discussion, mister.”
“Wrong.” I shake my head slowly. “For example, if I see a man looking at you, I reserve the right to beat the shit out of him. No questions asked. No discussion necessary.”
Wren’s still insisting on trying to look indignant, but her eyes are dancing with a familiar fire. She likes this side of me. The caveman side. The brute. “And would you stand for it if I said the same?”
“Oh?” I tilt my head. “Would you fight for me, moya devushka?”
She squares up and raises her chin high in defiance. “If I’m yours, then you’re mine, Dmitri Egorov. And if some bitch thinks she can get her hands on you… well then, she’s got another thing coming. Got a problem with that?”
“None whatsoever.” I lightly palm her forearms, then slide down to her hips and tighten my hold on her. “Which brings me to my next point. You’re living in my house, you’re carrying my baby, and I plan for you to be in my bed every night for the rest of our lives, so I think it’s time to be thinking about something else.”
Wren frowns. “What kind of ‘something else’?”
I tap the empty space on her left ring finger. “This kind of something else.”