Page 36 of Dragon Claimed
The four dragon forms of her mates disappeared into the clouds. Kaida pushed her love through the bonds so they knew just how much she cared for them as a tear slid down her cheek. As much as she wanted to believe that everything would be fine and they would return to her as soon as they found the intel they needed, Kaida knew the dangers of them going on this mission. Gemar was not a stupid man and could anticipate them doing this. He would watch the skies for them if she knew the king well, which she felt she did after their last run-in with him.
"Ugh, I wish Adrien was here. At least she could have given us a spell or potion to camouflage them," Kaida said to herself as she turned back toward the house.
The guys were adamant about her staying away from Blaze while they were gone. Under the circumstances, she decided to listen to them. The Dark Dimension's hold on him seemed deeper than it was when it infected her. As much as she wanted to break its hold and claim her mate, Kaida did not want to do it without backup. If Blaze got out of the cage, he could kill her. Mate bond or not, the Dark Dimension would override his instincts. That had been proven when her dragon attacked Beckett the first time it happened to her.
Kaida walked onto the porch and sat on the stairs. "What the hell can I do around here? The guys are gone, and so are my friends."
You could walk around town. Maybe the townspeople have some things that you could assist them with. It'll give you something to do, her dragon suggested.
Kaida mulled it over for a minute before getting back onto her feet. It was the only idea with any substance to keep her from worrying about her men. If she sat around the house, that is exactly what she would do: worry.
While walking down the path, Kaida could hear the hustle and bustle of the town. Kaida heard laughter and merriment from the people for the first time in weeks. A smile grew on her face as she stepped onto the cobbled road to find a group of kids running down the street. It was a section of housing so people could be close to the businesses, so the children did not seem as out of place as Kaida felt them to be. She wasn't used to seeing or hearing the children since she came here, and it was a pleasant surprise to see. One dark-haired little girl caught up to a little blonde girl and yelled, "You're it!" before turning the other way. The other five kids in the group ran in other directions away from the blonde, all laughing or smiling. A black-haired woman with a swollen belly watched them from afar. The woman was shorter than Kaida but had a muscular build. Her pregnancy gave a glow to her skin, and she rubbed her belly absentmindedly. Her green eyes caught Kaida's, and then she bowed her head. Kaida walked up to her and bowed her own.
"Good morning, Your Grace," the woman said before her eyes returned to the children.
"Good morning. How are you today?" Kaida trailed off, hoping the woman would give her name.
"Amy, Your Grace. I am well. How about you?"
Kaida smiled again as the calm energy swirled around the woman. She was getting better at guessing what element each person had power over from their energy or scent. Kaida breathed in and got a nose full of rich dirt and nectar of flowers. Amy was a Terrain Dragon, and judging from the energy that rolled off her, she held a decent amount of power.
"I am doing well. Are all of the children here?"
"As in all of the children on the island? No. These are just the ones I care for while their parents are at work. My daughter, Andrea, is the black-haired beauty over there."
Kaida looked over to see Andrea dodging the blonde girl's attempt to tag her and then running away. "I'm sorry that has fallen onto you. Are there any schools on the island?"
Amy looked at her and frowned. "Just one, but the children are on break."
Kaida could see the look in Amy's eyes—the one that said, "Why is she asking these questions? Doesn't she know anything?"
And here I thought I could make headway with the people here.
She frowned at Amy. "I'm sorry. Am I bugging you?"
"No! Not at all."
"I'm just new to the island. I'm trying to learn as much as possible to help improve it in the future."
Amy bowed her head again. "I've heard of the princes taking you as a mate. I wasn't at the town meeting but saw you. Is it true that you are mated to Prince Enzo as well?"
Kaida's heart clenched at hearing Enzo's name. Many people on the island still did not like Enzo, mostly because he was a Storm Dragon, and the generational hate against Storms still ran strong here.
"I am. He rejected me, and that is why I came here at first. However, he and I have solidified our bond since he returned to right his wrong."
Amy's face contorted into an expression that Kaida could not interpret. "You are also mated to the princes of the island?"
Kaida nodded. "Yes, I am."
"Forgive me, but how is that possible?"
Kaida laughed. She was aware of this phenomenon, prepared herself to be asked this question often, and responded, "It is because I am a Plasma Dragon. Our rarity causes multiple bonds to be opened. I don't know much because the texts about my kind are limited. However, I have experienced it and can say that my dragon is paired with one of every dragon to increase the chances of more Plasmas to be born."
Amy smirked. "I guess you can say that you are blessed with having to deal with multiple men instead of just one, then. Might I say... good luck with that?"
The joking tone in her voice caught Kaida off guard but still made her laugh. "I am going to need all the luck in the world."
"I am happy to have only one. One is enough. A fair warning: they can be work."