Page 82 of Unlikely
Raine’s eyes dart down to her hands as she picks at her cuticles. “I had a sister.”
Her words are only a little bit louder than a whisper, but they hit my heart hard. A loss like theirs is insurmountable and it doesn’t matter who I heard it from or how many times it was said, I feel their grief each and every time.
“Two years ago,” she informs me. “Her name was Lola, and it was a stillbirth.”
Extending my arm across the table, I cover her hands with mine, comforting her. I hate already knowing this information about Raine, but I also know because of my relationship with Zara, it would be inevitable. I just didn’t realize how unprepared I would be when it happened.
“We’re going to Seattle for her birthday.” She shakes her head in confusion. “Or is it a memorial service?”
My hand tightens around Raine’s for reasons that have nothing and everything to do with her unexpected confession. I can feel my heart shatter into a million different pieces at the realization that Zara never told me why she’s going. That Zarachoseto withhold that very important piece of the puzzle.
She knew I wasn’t going to question her when she said she had to be there for Raine. I took the explanation at face value, because truthfully, why wouldn’t she tell me?
More importantly, whycouldn’tshe tell me?
“So, you’re both going to Seattle to celebrate Lola’s life?” I ask, trying to make it all make sense in my head.
She nods. “My papa, he didn’t really...” She pauses, her tears falling this time. “My papa didn’t really deal with her death well, and my dad kind of put all of his energy into saving their marriage,” she explains as she wipes her eyes. “My dads are in a much better place this year, and I know it’ll be good for all of us to be there together. I just hate seeing them so upset like that. Remembering how close they were to getting a divorce.”
“And what about you?” I ask, slipping into friend mode. “What’s it like for you?”
“I love the times my family is together, but I’m always going to hate the circumstances.” I watch as her chin quivers. “I remember being so excited about being a big sister. Being at home with Mom, counting down the days, lying down with her as Lola spent the night kicking.”
My own eyes sting at the idea of Zara pregnant. What it must be like to hold everyone’s joy in your body, only for it to be taken away.
Raine gets lost in her own thoughts and I get lost in mine, because I hear the worry for her fathers and I hear her own grief, and I’m here right now for her, but who is there for Zara? Who was there then and who’s going to be there now?
“Raine,” I say, the seriousness in my voice surprising us both. Her brows furrow together as I finish my thought. “I need to tell you something.”
Raine straightens her spine, perplexed by my tone. “What is it?”
“I know this is really shit timing, but…” I blow out a breath and rip the Band-Aid off. “I’m dating your mom.”
Awkward laughter bubbles out of her throat as she pulls her hand away from mine. “What?”
“I’m dating your mom,” I say again.
Her expression turns pensive as she keeps her gaze on mine. “You’rethe mystery woman?”
I swallow down my nerves and nod. “Yeah, I’m her.”
“But how?” She scratches at her temple. “She said she met her… you before?”
“We did,” I confirm. “Meet before. I met her before I met you. I was out for my birthday and she was out with friends from work and?—”
“I’m sorry, are you saying you had sex with mymother?” she shrieks.
My head swivels around the café in mortification. “Raine,” I plead. “Please keep your voice down.”
“You had sex with my mom,” she whisper-shouts, this time the words more of a statement and less of a question.
“Okay, so, I had sex with your mom,” I whisper-shout back. “But can we maybe circle back to that, because I need to meet you both in Seattle, and you can’t tell her I’m coming.”
This has Raine’s whole expression turning serious. “I’m not following.”
“I need to be with your mom this weekend,” I explain. “But I’m not sure she wants me there. And I’m telling you about us so you’re not shocked when I show up.”
“Oh, wait,are you telling me this is serious.” Her eyes widen. “This isserious. Like, you and her?”