Page 99 of Unlikely
I ensure my hand is open and flat, bringing my fingertips to my chin, then moving them away to say thank you just as Remy begins to open all the pizza boxes along the counter.
“Um, why is there a missing bite from a slice of every pizza?” Raine asks.
I cover my mouth with my hands in shock. “Oh my God, you didn’t.”
“What?” Zara says conspiratorially. “I asked your brothers if they knew a way to celebrate your birthday and you getting accepted into college to complete your social work degree.”
“Oh my God,” Raine squeals. “You got in?”
She’s the first one to throw her arms around me and then Arlo, Frankie, Lennox, and Remy are all up in my space, kissing and hugging me.
My eyes start to sting, the amount of love and emotion in the room overwhelming me. My gaze searches for Zara, and when it lands on her, she’s already looking at me with this soft smile on her lips and an endless amount of love in her eyes. Like she’s known all along that this life was mine for the taking. That I could have hopes and dreams, and happiness, and that she’s been showing me how I can have them all with her.
I raise my hand, close it in a fist, and then release my thumb, forefinger, and pinky all at the same time.
I love you.
She signs it back, and we just stare at one another as I hear Remy explain to Raine why every pizza box is sans one bite of pizza.
“So whoever brings the pizza home is responsible for eating one bite from a slice out of every box?” she confirms.
He nods as she opens each box to check that they’ve, in fact, fulfilled the tradition.
“Huh,” she muses. “That’s both absolutely ridiculous and kind of cool.”
“Right?” he agrees with a chuckle. “We kinda can’t not do it now.”
My gaze follows Zara as she makes her way over to me.
“Happy Birthday, sweetheart,” she says when she reaches me, wrapping her arms around my neck. “How’s twenty-five feel?”
“It’s already the best year yet.” My eyes quickly scan the room, taking in all the people I love the most under one roof. “Thank you for insisting I have everyone over to celebrate.”
“I will never walk away from an opportunity to show you just how loved you are. And you are so very loved, Clementine.” It’s her turn to quickly look around the room. “I will always love you the most, though.”
This makes me smile. “You will?”
She presses her lips to mine.
“The most.” Kiss. “The hardest.” Kiss. “The longest.”
“Can I steal you away for a second?” she asks me.
“You don’t need to ask for permission.”
She intertwines her fingers with mine and weaves us in and out of everyone standing in the kitchen until we’re making our way back upstairs.
“Seems a bit risky to come back up here while everyone is downstairs,” I tease.
She chuckles as she leads me to the chest of drawers that sits against one of our bedroom walls. Opening the top drawer, she pulls out a familiar velvet pouch.
“What’s this?” I ask.
She places it in my hand. “Have a look.”
Carefully, I tilt the pouch until the familiar piece of jewelry lands in my hand. “I’ve been meaning to ask you why I haven’t seen you wear it in a while,” I muse.
“This isn’t my necklace.”