Page 6 of Dirty Pucking Play
Juliette sighed. "I'm a marketing specialist for the hospital and I coach youth hockey in my free time. I would ask what you do, but I already know the answer to that."
I laughed softly in an attempt to get her to crack a smile, but it was like pulling teeth trying to get through her cold exterior. I figured as long as I could keep her talking, I was in safe territory. As long as I kept it superficial and not prying. "Do you like it there?"
Her lips moved, lifting upward in the slightest bit. "No idea," she said with a lilt in her voice. "My first day is tomorrow." She paused and looked at the watch on her wrist. "Actually, my first day is in seven hours, so ask me again after that."
"Oh shit," I murmured as I looked at the time on my phone. It was a little after midnight. "We need to get you back into your condo. You need to get some sleep before your big day tomorrow."
She laughed softly, the sound fleeting. "Please. It's my first day at work, not my first day of kindergarten."
"Hey, don't be dismissive. It's still a big thing."
Juliette looked amused for a beat and her eyes shimmered as she stared back at me. Her phone began to vibrate and she pulled it out from the pocket of her hoodie. "It's the property manager. They must be here."
I let out a sigh of relief for her. I didn't really know her and I shouldn't have cared about her getting sleep, but I couldn't help myself. Juliette rose to her feet and walked into the kitchen as she answered the call. She wasn't on the phone long before she called my name from where she was, pulling me out of my own thoughts.
"Thanks for letting me hang out here," she said softly as I walked into the kitchen where she was standing. She had set her glass of wine by the sink and was already making her way toward the door. She gave Thor a final pat on the head before leaving him too.
"You're more than welcome to hang out here anytime you lock yourself out," I told her as I followed behind her.
"Hopefully that doesn't happen again," she muttered as she reached for the door. Her eyebrows pinched together when I grabbed the handle and pulled the door open wider. "What are you doing?"
I tilted my chin down to meet her gaze. "Coming with you."
"You don't have to do that," she said as she straightened her spine.
"I know I don't." I didn't know who the hell brought a key here for her, but I wasn't going to let her go out to meet this stranger by herself. There wasn't a part of me that doubted Juliette's ability to take care of herself, but at that moment her safety was my priority. I needed to know for myself that she got into her condo without any issues and without someone else forcing their way in with her.
She let out a sigh and shook her head before turning away from me. She walked across the hall to her door where a younger guy was waiting with a key. "Are you Juliette Anderson?" he asked her.
"I am. Thank you for coming out so late at night."
The guy nodded. "It's not a problem, although I'd recommend getting a spare key made and either giving it to someone or storing it somewhere."
Juliette didn't respond and I stood behind her, crossing my arms over my chest as he unlocked her door for her and pushed it open. Soft music was playing from somewhere inside her condo and it must have been on from before she locked herself out earlier.
The guy glanced at me with a questioning look and I simply stared back at him with my jaw set. He didn't say anything to me before looking back to Juliette to tell her to have a good night. I huffed under my breath and glared at the back of his head as he walked back down the hall toward the elevator.
Juliette turned back around to look at me. "Well, thanks again," she said softly, almost like she wasn't sure what to say. Like she was nervous.
I relaxed under her gaze and unfolded my arms before tucking my hands into the front pockets of my pants. "I'm right across the hall if you ever need anything," I offered with a smile. "Good luck with your first day of kindergarten tomorrow."
She smiled. Like really smiled. The kind of smile that lights up someone's face and spreads onto your own. My heart skipped a beat in my chest.
"Good night, Mac," she said as she quickly put her guard back in place.
The smile on my own lips didn't falter. "Good night, Juliette."
I walked back to my own door, my footsteps deliberately slow as I waited for her to step into her condo. I listened to the sound of the door shutting and the locks clicking before I went back into my own place.
I knew I needed to keep my distance from her. She was technically off-limits. There were unspoken rules in place, ones that I was expected to follow if I didn't want to fuck up my career.
Unfortunately for me, I never was good at following rules.
The next morning came quickly. I spent the entire night tossing and turning, mainly from the anxiety of starting a new job, but there was also something else lingering in my subconscious. Those damn blue eyes that wouldn't stop staring at me last night. Mac Sullivan was the last thing I needed in my life. Hockey players were not my type. He was not my type.