Page 37 of Red
It’s been a month since our amazing vacation at the beach. We spent the whole time in each other's arms worshiping each other. Sometimes being together a few times a day. You would have thought we were trying to break a world record on how many orgasms we can have, not that I’m complaining.
Today, we’re meeting with all the "le parrains" from The Wolves. Zeev and I must show a united front when it comes to the men. To maintain control we need the men to show complete loyalty to both of us. They’re still concerned about having me take over for my grandmother. They know that Zeev can handle this life, but I have to show them I’m here to stay.
My grandmother was making enemies even within her ranks, forcing them to settle debts by selling family members. She even kidnapped a few members of their families, threatening them if they didn't comply with what she wanted. The members of The Wolves were scared of her, which is why they want to make sure that I won’t be the same.
Luckily, having Zeev on my side is helpful. Most of the older members remember his dad and he was very well respected. I’ve heard a few stories about him from others and he sounds like a great person. I’m glad that Zeev has a few good memories of him. Zeev seems to me more at peace too now that my grandmother has been taken out of the picture.
I never asked Zeev what happened with my grandmother or Nicholas but I assume he killed them. I don't need to hear anything other than the fact that the nightmare is all over. Gregory pulls into the mansion and parks in front of the doors, getting out of the car to come and open my door.
“ Mrs. Blanche, Zeev is waiting for you with the other capos in the dining room.”
“Thank you, Gregory. Zeev and I will be back out once the meeting is over and you can take us home.”
Shortly after I got out of the hospital, Gregory came to visit me while I was recovering from the blast. We had a long talk about my grandmother’s threats to him and everything that we went through. Not ready to let him go, I gave him a job as our chauffeur. He now helps me to get wherever we need to go.
Walking up to the doors of the mansion, I take a deep breath before crossing the threshold. I haven’t been back here since the blast. Zeev and I decided to stay living in his cabin in the woods, just using the mansion as a headquarters for The Wolves. This mansion has so many bad memories I didn’t want to live here.
In the dining room, I can see Zeev and the capos sitting around the table chit-chatting waiting for me. No one has noticed me so I take this time to take in my husband. He’s in his element here with everyone and looks so happy compared to the first time I saw him. That's when he looks at me with a smile.
Zeev stands up and walks over to me talking quietly so only I can hear him. “Hey, Red, are you ready? Don’t think I didn’t see you checking me out over there. If you're good, I'll give you my cock when we get home.”
Now flushed from his words, I go to take my seat. The faster we get to this meeting, the faster I can get him home and show him how good I can be.
“Good afternoon, gentlemen. It’s good to meet everyone.”
Moving onto matters of The Wolves, I present my plans for the future, outlining them for the men and how we will invest in a shipping company. The shipping company will be a front for our illegal activity, along with bringing in a profit. I also inform le parrains the future that I see for them and their involvement in The Wolves.
Finishing up the meeting and everyone leaves, Zeev walks over and rubs his hand down my back and over my ass. He bends down a bit and whispers in my ear, “You did so good, Red. Everyone seemed pleased with your ideas to help out both sides of the business. I’m so proud of you.”
I turn to look at him with a smile, ignoring his caress I lead with, “I have a surprise for you. Close your eyes.”
Once he closes his eyes I spin and head to my purse. I grab the surprise out and place it in his hands. “You can open your eyes now.”
He opens them and looks down at the item in his hands and I can see exactly the moment when he takes in what he’s holding. Zeev smiles,
“Is this what I think it is? Are we…?”
My smile gets even bigger. “Yes, it means exactly what you think. We’re having a baby.”
I jump into his arms and give him a huge kiss to show my excitement. He pulls away, placing his forehead against mine.
“A baby! I can’t believe we're going to have a baby. I love you.”
After a few more kisses, he puts me down on my feet. I turn to finish packing up my stuff when Zeev smacks my butt. “Let’s go. You’ve been a very good girl, Red, and I want to show you how much I appreciate it all night long.”
Two years later…
Putting my cuff links on my suit before heading out, I look over at my son and a smile seems to overtake my face. Family life never seemed to be in the cards for me. I assumed that I would die before I would ever find any type of happiness. The life I led before Blanche was dangerous, and I never felt the need to protect myself. Now, not only do I need to protect myself, but I have two people who depend on me. Kissing my son’s forehead, “I love you, mon fils,” I whisper.
I look up at the clock and see that it’s time for me to leave to go meet Red. Checking in with Enzo’s nanny Ella, I inform her, “We’ll be staying at the hotel where the gala is being held. We’ll see you in the morning. You can let Gregory know if you need anything.”
“No problem, Mr. Fortin, have a good time.” She leans down and rustles my son's hair, “Enzo and I are in for a night of fun,” she replies. Then, booping my son’s nose, he looks up at her with a grin and a giggle.
Seeing that Enzo is taken care of gives me a sense of relief. Walking towards the front door, I grab my jacket off of the couch as I pass.
Gregory is waiting for me outside in the car. Opening the door, he addresses me, “Good evening, Mr. Fortin. Mrs. Blanche is en route with Jake. They’ll be meeting us at the gala.”