Page 22 of Green with Envy
She sighs and then looks over at Henry. “I was just informing your friend here that he has to stay in the waiting room while the doctors check on the young lady that he came in with.”
Henry nods his head in understanding. “Don’t worry, we’ll wait here for the doctors.”
She nods, but before she can walk away I need to make sure she knows to come talk to me right away. “I want the doctor to talk to me as soon as he knows anything.”
The nurse's eyes crinkle at the edges a bit and she sets her hand on my arm. “I will make sure they know.” With those words, she walks away hopefully to check on Suri.
Dropping my body down in a chair in the waiting room, I lean forward with my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands. Fuck, she has to be okay. I grab my phone to call her dad and let him know that I found her, trying to give myself something to do.
He answers on the first ring, “Brendan?”
“Richard. We found Suri, we have her at the hospital. I’ll have her call you as soon as the doctors come out.”
Richard sighs, I can feel the relief from him through the phone. “Thank you, Brendan. Thank you for saving my daughter. I’m leaving now. I’ll be there soon.”
Grunting, I hang up the phone, not able to say anything else. I’m already teetering on the edge. I need to maintain as clear of a head as possible.
Neither Henry nor I say anything to each other. We just sit…waiting. After about an hour, I can’t take it any longer. I get up and start to pace back and forth in the waiting room.
Henry just looks up at me, but he doesn’t reprimand me. He knows I can't sit still on a good day, let alone in this shitstorm. After what feels like days, the doctor comes out and walks right toward us. “Are you here with Suri?”
“Yes. How is she?”
Wait, did he just say Suri? I never told him her name. That has to be good news right? She must-
The doctor interrupts the questions that are popping up in my head. “She’s doing better. She’s very bruised. She has a dislocated shoulder and a few cracked ribs plus a concussion. She will need lots of rest over the next few days. She is awake and asking for you, would you like to come with me to see her?”
I don’t even have to answer, I just follow the doctor back to her room. Standing at the doorway, with her laying in the hospital bed with her eyes closed, I almost break. She looks so small and she has bandages all over her and an IV in her hand. I can see all the bruises I had missed when I’d first laid eyes on her. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I have to take care of her now. The anger has to be set aside for later.
She must sense me because before I can even make a move toward her, her eyes pop open. A small smile graces her lips. I make my way toward her, and whisper, “Hey, Princess.”
As soon as the words come out of my mouth, she breaks out into a sob. I move quicker to get as close to her as I can without hurting her. Pushing her curls out of her face, I just talk. “Don’t worry, princess, everything is going to be fine now. I won’t let anything else happen to you. Don’t cry. I’m here. I love you. I’ve always loved you. I’m never leaving you again.”
Hiccups well up out of her crying. She might be the fucking cutest thing I have ever seen, bruises and all.
My heart swells as I stare at her. Fuck, she is the most beautiful woman in the world and I love to call her princess, but she is definitely my queen.
Taking my thumb, I wipe away the tears falling down her cheeks. She mutters something, but I can’t tell what she said. I kiss her forehead. “It’s ok, Suri. Calm down, Princess. Then you can tell me what you want to say.”
Suri hears my words and tries to take a deep breath. I watch her close her eyes. With her eyes closed I can tell that she is counting and her chest starts to rise and fall slower and slower. She opens her eyes. “Brendan, I have something to tell you.”
I nod at her, grabbing her hand. I squeeze it hoping it’s comforting her. “Tell me, Suri.”
“Mall…Mallory was the one who took me.”
My eyes go wide and I get up, starting to pace. Grabbing my phone, I go to call Henry, but then she says something that makes me stop dead in my tracks. “She’s stealing from your dad and whoever else he works with.”
I turn to look at Suri. “Are you sure? What exactly did she say?”
“She told me that she’s been using me and my dad to get into your dad’s organization. That since they’ve been distracted looking for me, they started to take stuff from you. And they were going to start doing the same to his associates.”
Nodding, remembering back to the day after the dinner we had at Suri’s house. My Da and Zeev discussed that both of them had inventory go missing. Both of them were worried and had sent me to Mikhail for intel. He was the one who gave me the tip that it was someone from the Germans.
Starting to put the pieces together, I ask her one last question. “Do you remember anything about the people who were with you while you were missing?”
She nods then whispers, “There were really only a few that I saw, but they were tall and had German accents.”
I knew it, Mikahil was right! She then adds, “One of the guys' names was Johann.”