Page 64 of Gold Horizons
Shy? This guy is never shy. What gives?
“Why not?”
“I was a tad worried that you’d be pissed.”
I pull back, stunned. “Why?”
“The construction will go on for months.”
He shrugs his shoulders. “I just know you like it quiet.”
“Yes, I do. But I also want you to follow your dreams and succeed.”
He should know this. We’ve talked enough about our lives, the expectations bestowed upon us, and the things we love. I can’t believe he’d think I’d be anything other than supportive.
The table falls silent as Briggs stares at me. The crinkles next to his eyes and the way his lips press thin tell me he’s feeling apologetic.
Good, he should. We’re friends now, so expanding your business and large construction projects are definitely things friends talk about.
“Surprise,” he says, and Clay chuckles.
I just shake my head at him.
“Tell me, Briggs, every year we perform at a charity event, and if Cora wanted you to be there, would you go?” Emma asks him. She doesn’t understand that this thing between us is not really a thing. Or maybe it is. I just don’t know yet. I glance down at his hand before sliding my gaze his way.
He glances at me. “Absolutely. If she wants me there, then I’ll go.” No hesitation, just assuredness, and his thumb starts swiping back and forth over my leg.
“Really?” I’m surprised by his answer. It’s never even occurred to me to ask him or assume he’d want to come.
He gives me a small smile, then squeezes my leg before turning back to face them. “Yes, I’ve actually watched several performances online.”
“You have? Which ones?” I’m so shocked my jaw drops open.
“Madison Square Garden and that performance you did a few years ago at the Grammys.”
“I had no idea. Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Why would I? Did you look me up after we met? If so, you didn’t tell me either.”
At this, the server brings over our drinks and the fried spring rolls. I momentarily forget why we’re in the city, as I’m so happy to dive into the food, until Emma asks, “So, Briggs, are you ready to meet the Rhodeses?”
I almost choke and have to swallow hard to push my food down.
“Sure. How bad can it be?”
“Bad isn’t exactly the word I would use,” she says.
“What word would you use?” he asks in a tone that makes me feel like he might be defending me against whatever harsh words she might say about my family.
My stomach sinks.
“Emma, you really don’t need to go. I know you know very well what these events are like, and you’re right, they are unpleasant. I won’t be mad if you change your mind.”