Page 55 of Hearts A'Blaze
“You must have known. I mean, I knew,” she says. “And honestly, it’s not fair to expect your poor mother to host all the time.”
“Maybe we should have it at your place next time.” I smile sweetly. Shelly and Walden’s house is bigger than mine and Mom’s combined, and I don’t remember her ever offering to host a family event there.
“Your mother would never let me,” Shelly replies. “It means so much to her to host brunch for the family.”
I’m saved from pointing out the hypocrisy of her statement by Marty, who strides over to the back door, pulls it open, and yells, “Kids and canines, outside!”
The three nephews and Jackie tumble outside, Marty slides the door shut, and a civilized calm descends on the living room.
“Coffee’s ready!” Mom chirps. She hands Jeremy a large mug. “Now, Jeremy, I want to know all about you!”
I meet up with Joyce and Lucky at the Cantina right after work the following Tuesday. Even though it’s almost six in the evening and the bar is only a couple of blocks from the library, I’m pretty melty by the time I get there. The blast of air conditioning that hits me in the face as I walk in feels wonderful.
Joyce and Lucky are already seated at one of the tables, each with a tall glass of something frosty in front of them. Lucky waves me over. I wave back, stop at the bar to order an Old Fashioned, then head toward their table.
Then I stop in my tracks.
Behind them, in a booth by herself is Scarlett. She’s impeccably dressed, as always, in a sleeveless knit top in an expensive shade of taupe that shows off well-toned, perfectly tanned arms.
She’s engrossed in reading something on a tablet, her back half-turned to the entrance, and part of me is seriously tempted to turn and walk out of the bar before she sees me.
I had the most amazing weekend with Jeremy. He charmed my family and didn’t run off screaming after he met them. In fact, he stuck around for the rest of the long weekend. He’s incredible in bed, and thoughtful and funny outside it. It’s all been feeling a little too good to be true, and seeing Scarlett reminds me why. I had almost managed to forget that Jeremy and I are still locked in battle over the Addison, and that if I don’t get it, it will be time to look for work elsewhere. Already, I’ve had two preliminary video interviews and have another one scheduled for next week.
A little niggle of guilt twists in my stomach for not mentioning the interviews to Jeremy. It’s not that I didn’t think about it, but it felt presumptuous to think he’d care. At the same time, I was afraid he wouldn’t. So I haven’t mentioned them.
I square my shoulders, pull up my big girl panties, and head for the table, making a conscientious effort not to look in Scarlett’s direction. If she sees me, she sees me. I’ll deal.
I slide into a seat at the table with my back to Scarlett. It’s foolish to turn your back on your enemies, but I know if she’s in my line of sight, I’ll just be distracted by her. With any luck, she won’t notice us.
“Hey, you made it! Lucky found a place for the bachelorette party,” Joyce tells me.
“Well, Nikko did. Look.” Lucky turns her phone my way. She’s found a little winery in the hills about a half hour from Welkins Ridge. It looks adorable, with outdoor tables and a lovely view.
“That looks perfect!” I tell her. “I didn’t even know we had a winery in the area.”
“They just opened earlier this year,” Lucky explains. “You know how Nikko’s always on the hunt for new food in the area? He discovered them recently and suggested it. He says the people who own it are really nice. They do tastings and wine and cheese pairings, and they serve some light meals. I made a reservation for a week before the wedding. We can hang out with Bailey, get tipsy, and then the guys will join us around seven or eight.”
“Not much of a bachelor party if they’re wrapping up the strip club by eight,” I point out.
Joyce snorts. “Can you really see Nikko at a strip club?”
Unless Jessica’s Tavern suddenly gets a Michelin star rating (highly unlikely), it’s impossible to imagine Nikko setting foot in anyplace as tacky as a strip club. “Nah, I guess not. What are they doing?”
“He’s hosting a barbeque.”
“He’s hosting his own bachelor party?” I roll my eyes. “Did anyone tell him that’s not how it’s supposed to work?”
Lucky gives a good-natured sigh. “He’s way more interested in eating well than getting blitzed, and no one’s going to cook a better meal than him within a hundred miles, so he figures he’ll do it himself. Anyway, that’s the guys’ issue to deal with. I need someone to handle invitations—”
“Me!” Joyce raises her hand. “Catherine, in our building, does graphic design and printing. She’ll do a nice job.”
“Great. Tell everyone it’s a lingerie party.” Lucky taps something on her phone and looks at me. “Can I put you in charge of ordering a limo or a bus or something for us so we don’t have to worry about driving?”
“There’s a guy in North Falls who takes tour groups around in a vintage refurbished school bus,” I tell her. “Maybe he’ll do it.”