Page 70 of Hearts A'Blaze
Gigi makes a face. “I hope she knows what she’s doing. That man doesn’t do anything for anyone if there isn’t something in it for him.”
“Oh, I’m sure she’ll come up with something.”
“Scarlett’s mother was on the high school PTA. I crossed paths with her a few times.” Gigi’s lip curls. “Could not stand the woman. Bitchy AF.”
“Fruit doesn’t fall too far from the tree now, does it?”
“More to the point, I think she would have been a very difficult mother.”
“Oh, please. I know difficult mothers, and I never bullied anyone.”
Gigi throws her hands up. “Oh, forget it. You’re determined to see the worst in her, but honestly, the only person you’re hurting by holding on to all this nonsense is yourself. You know what they say about resentment. It’s like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”
“Well, that got dark.” I tap my keyboard, hoping that Gigi will get the message that I’m busy. “Look, I make no promises about being nice about Scarlett, but I appreciate your concern about me and the Chief. Whatever happens, we’ll deal with it. In the meantime, I should get a few things done before the reporter shows up.”
“Fine, fine.” Gigi pushes herself up. “I’ll let you get on with it.”
“I’ll be out on the floor as soon as I can,” I call after her. I feel a little guilty that I’m not out there helping when we’re short-staffed, but I have an email from the head of the county library system that calls for a tactful and well-thought-out response.
I open my email and forget all about the county when I see a message from the University of Illinois.
* * *
Fortunately, Jeremy isn’t working tonight. Or maybe that’s unfortunate.
Nah, I’m trying to be an adult about our relationship, and adults talk about things like this. Still, after all the drama of yesterday, I’m braced for confrontation. Usually, I don’t mind confrontation, but tonight, I kind of dread it.
When I get home, Jeremy is out on his back deck, reading the next book in the Warrior Cats series, his hair still slightly wet from a recent shower. The lawn has been freshly mowed, and the air is heavy with the scent of cut grass and the sound of cicadas. I inhale a deep breath of summer evening as I step outside.
He greets me with a big smile. “Well, hello. Was just about to text you. You want to join me for burgers tonight?”
He stands up as I cross over to his patio and gives me a kiss. Not so long or passionate as to completely derail my thoughts, but enough to make articulating them a little harder.
Then he steps back and looks down at me. “Uh oh. You have the look of a librarian with bad news. Did things go badly with the reporter?”
“No, we had a nice chat. Did she talk to you?”
He nods. “Yeah, she called a few hours ago. I tried to make it out to be all in a day’s work for us but that the library shouldn’t have to worry about things like this, yadda yadda.”
“Thanks, I appreciate it.”
“But that’s not what you’re worried about, is it?”
I take a seat in one of his lawn chairs and he sits down across from me. “I got another request for an interview. This time, they want me to fly out and meet them in person.”
“That’s awesome,” he responds. “Congratulations. I’m really happy for you.”
I feel like I’ve had cold water thrown in my face. “After that whole snit about me looking for jobs, you’re happy that I’ve got a real interview?” I try to sound funny, but I think my tone comes across as a bit snappy.
He lets out a heavy sigh and takes my hand in his. “I’m not happy about it, Blaze, but I get it. You’ve got the goods, people are going to think seriously about hiring you. I don’t want you to move away, but I don’t want the only reason you stay to be because you feel trapped, either.”
Not the only reason, I think, but I can’t bring myself to say it out loud. “So… you think I should take the interview?”
I think I was almost hoping for him to object, to put his foot down, to give me some kind of ultimatum, which would make it easier to walk away in a huff. I’m not sure how to deal with support and encouragement.
Or maybe he’s changed his mind, decided I’m not worth the drama, and will be happy to see me go.
He clenches and unclenches his jaw. “Of course, you should take it. We’ve only been involved for a few weeks now, and I can’t expect you to rearrange your career around me. I’d have preferred to know about the interviews from the get-go, but I overreacted the other day and I don’t want to be that asshole again. So let’s put it like this: I don’t want you to leave, but I certainly don’t want you to hold yourself back, either.”