Page 20 of Yours Truly
The curtains on the window automatically slid open, and I straightened, focusing my attention forward. It was a plain bedroom, nothing memorable about it except for the large cage in the corner. Suddenly, a light spotlighted the bed as the door opened.
I saw the man first, bare-chested and massive, wearing black leather pants, all his muscles well-defined. Then my gaze lowered, and my breath caught. A woman with perky, definitely fake tits crawled into the room, totally naked, except for the collar around her throat. Attached to the collar was a black leather leash the man gripped in his hand.
Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she panted, waiting for the man to shut the door behind them. I didn’t know what I’d been expecting, but this wasn’t it.
Still, my cock was hard, and the tip overflowed with precum.
The man led his puppy forward, and she happily crawled along the wall of windows. She nudged the glass with her nose, letting her tongue trail along the surface as she happily yapped. I absently wondered if she knew I was here, watching her. Could she see me? What was she thinking? Was this just a show for the audience, or was this their actual kink?
The man clicked his tongue, and she immediately turned around, letting me get the perfect view of her round ass. My hand drifted to my lower stomach, but I didn’t let myself touch my cock. Not yet. I just watched as this woman kneeled at her owner’s feet, wiggling her ass back and forth.
Reaching down, he stroked her cheek. “That’s a good little pup,” he murmured. “Open that mouth for me.”
The adoration in his eyes made me believe whatever he felt for her was real. Did she feel the same for him?
She let her mouth fall open as he undid his pants and let his cock free. It was just as massive as him, and just as thick and veiny. What would Winnie look like getting fucked by that huge cock? What sounds would she make? And why did I want to watch it happen?
Slowly, he led his dick to her mouth, rubbing the tip along her soft, pink tongue. My hand traveled downward, but I wasn’t ready to stroke myself. I had a feeling this show was going to be a good one, and I didn’t want to come too soon.
I let my fingers trail around the swollen tip of my cock, smearing the wetness around. The woman gagged, drool spilling from the sides of her mouth; the sound keeping me rapt. He mercilessly pumped into her mouth, his grip tight around the leather leash, holding her in place.
Would Winnie let me put a collar on her?
The man suddenly pulled out of the woman’s throat, a long, silvery string of saliva connecting her lips to his cock glistened in the spotlight above the bed. A deep blush had settled over her body from the, honestly, too gentle mouth-fucking she’d just received.
If she were my little fawn, she wouldn’t be able to breathe. Her lipstick would smear around her mouth, and her mascara would run down her cheeks. I wouldn’t be gentle—I didn’t think it was in my DNA to be gentle. I needed it rough. I needed biting, scratching, and screaming.
I needed the primal, animalistic ritual of fucking.
And what I’d just witnessed wasn’t that.
“On the bed, pup,” the man grunted, and the woman jumped to obey.
Longing filled me at the sight—not of a man getting his dick wet. That could be me if I chose for it to be, but the obedience. The way she wholly trusted him and hung onto his every word. The way she looked at him like he’d hung the moon, or better yet, was a god.
The girls I’d fucked used to look at me like that.
The woman climbed onto the bed, pointing her ass right at the row of windows. Even from this distance, I could see her pussy dripping; I could see the way it seemed to spasm and beg to be filled. She was as desperate for it as I was, apparently.
I wrapped my hand around the base of my cock and squeezed. Opening the bottle of lube, I poured it over my dick and stroked my fist over it, groaning at the feeling. It had been so long since I’d allowed myself genuine pleasure, since I’d given into the addiction plaguing my soul, and my body needed a fix.
The man stepped up behind her, the leash still tethering them together. He gently tugged on it, and a smile spread across her face as she looked back at him.
That look alone was nearly enough for me to come. I wanted Winnie to look at me like that, wanted to see her that excited and turned on.
He slammed forward, and she let out a loud scream. My eyes rolled back at the sound—fuck, how long had it been since I’d heard a scream like that in person?
I reclined back on the couch, the leather sticking to my skin as my fist moved over my slick cock, squeezing and twisting. What would Winnie say if she saw me right now, in this room, watching another woman getting fucked? What would she say if I wanted to watch her getting fucked?
In my mind, the woman on the bed shifted into someone else—her long blonde hair shorted into a chin-length, dark, curly bob. Her long, lithe body shortened and filled out with soft curves I wanted to squeeze and caress. But the collar and leash around her neck remained.
I only saw Winnie.
I only heard her. I only smelled her.
It was only her.