Page 34 of Yours Truly
“No, I did once.” I swallowed thickly, trying to keep some of my composure. “I shouldn’t have done it.”
Her smile widened. “And what about the other times? The other students?”
“Those were just rumors,” I hissed, my anger rising. I wanted to wipe that fucking smug look off her face. “If the only reason you’re here is to bring up my past mistakes, then I’ll ask for you to kindly leave. I have notes to review before class.” I dropped my head forward, forcing myself to ignore her.
Her gaze burned a hole into the top of my head as she toyed with the stack of papers on my desk. “You’re so defensive,” she muttered, her voice light, as if she were enjoying this fucked up little game of hers. “I wasn’t trying to make you upset. I was just curious.”
I glanced up at her, my eyes narrowed. “Well, now you know.”
Leaning forward more, she rested her forearms on the desk. Her shirt fell open with the movement, giving me a clear view of her body. I gave her breasts, not as full as Winnie’s, but just as supple, my full attention. She let out a breathy laugh, and my gaze snapped up.
“Why did you fuck a student?” she asked softly, leaning closer. Her scent was all wrong. It was too much.
“It was a mistake,” I ground out.
“You don’t seem like the type to make mistakes.” Her gaze floated over my body before lifting back to mine.
“We all have our moments.” I hated talking to her about this. I hated that she knew. She could ruin everything.
Reaching out, her fingertips trailed along my forearm. “You’re avoiding the question,” she murmured. “Why did you fuck a student? What did she get out of it?” Her eyes dropped to my lap. “Besides the obvious.”
The muscles in my arm tensed under her touch, and I pulled slightly away from her. “You know what she got,” I ground out. I usually loved playing cat and mouse with a student, but right now, I hated being the fucking mouse.
“You passed her.” It wasn’t a question. It wasn’t even an accusation. Just a fact. “Are you passing Winnie, too?”
Unable to stop it, my mouth fell open. My mind raced as I tried to figure out how the fuck she knew about Winnie. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said, my voice too harsh to be innocent. “She’s a good student.”
Another laugh left her as she pushed up off the desk, grinning down at me. “I can see why she’d be your target,” she muttered. “Inexperienced. Quiet. Shy. Desperate for attention. I get it.” She ran her bottom lip through her teeth, her fingers tapping on the dark wooden desk. “Don’t you want someone more experienced, though? Someone who can make you feel good?”
My mouth went dry. “This is very inappropriate.”
“What’s inappropriate is shopping with a student,” she said, and I glanced at the painting on the wall behind her Winnie had picked out only a couple days ago. “What did you do afterward?”
“She was helping me with decorating the classroom,” I said, then scoffed. “I don’t need to defend myself or my actions. There’s nothing wrong with spending time with someone outside of class. It was innocent. We didn’t do anything—” Her laugh cut me off.
“Do you think the Dean would agree it’s innocent?” My words died on my tongue. No, the Dean wouldn’t think it was okay for me to be out with a student. And if Cassandra saw us at Target, she saw the way I’d touched Winnie, the way we’d interacted. While it wasn’t inappropriate, one could argue any touch from a professor was inappropriate.
I was such an idiot. Why the fuck did I think being with her in public would be a good idea? My mind raced with ways to fix this, to appease her. I needed to protect Winnie’s reputation, but more than that, I needed to protect mine. I needed to save my job. I couldn’t lose it.
“Listen,” I began, but she held her hand up, silencing me. I hated the control she had, the power. It was supposed to be the other way around.
“I have a proposition for you,” she said, and my blood went cold.
I wanted to tell her I wasn’t interested, to take her proposition and fuck herself with it. But I bit my tongue. I had to play this game with her. If I wanted to keep my job, not totally fuck my reputation yet again, I didn’t have a choice.
“What kind of proposition?” I asked, trying not to let my anger show. Her eyes sparkled as she shoved papers out of the way and slid onto the desk, crossing one leg over the other. Her skirt rode up her thighs, and I forced myself not to look.
“I’ll keep your secret if you do something for me,” she said huskily, her lips curling into a grin.
A million possibilities flitted through my mind, but I hadn’t a clue of what she wanted. It could be any number of things, from a passing grade to me fucking her.
“And that would be?” I ground out.
Her hand snaked out, and she gently cupped my face. I pulled away, glaring at her. What kind of audacity did she have that she thought she could touch me?
“What did those girls have to do to keep a good grade?”