Page 29 of The Game Changer
I can’t be a dad.
I want to forget this whole fucking thing.
Just like your dad did?
Fuck! I can’t turn my back on this. I won’t be that asshole. But the thought of seeing this through is like a ball and chain around my ankle. The weight of it is gonna drag me right under.
I can’t be a parent.
But I can’t leave Caroline high and dry either.
Man, the sex was awesome.
Leaning back in my seat, I let myself relive it for just a minute. My dick twitches, excitement flooding my body as I remember that feeling of sliding right between those luscious legs. Holding her knees and pumping into her while she mewled and panted.
Fuck. It was hot.
Shifting in my seat, I adjust my dick, silently ordering it to calm the hell down.
Why am I even thinking this shit?
Maybe I’m lamenting it.
How can something so good—something that can get me so high—be the reason for my ultimate demise?
She’s pregnant.
The condom fucking failed.
Shit, what if that wasn’t the only time it did?
I’ve lost count of how many girls I’ve banged. Are there other babies out there in the world with Casey Pierce DNA rocking through their veins?
Fuck. No. I can’t?—
I’m gonna be sick.
Slapping my laptop closed, I snatch my stuff and shuffle to the aisle. People eye me curiously, and I mumble that I’m gonna puke if they don’t move out of the way. They make room for me instantly, and I hurtle up the stairs and out the door.
My pounding footsteps echo in the corridor as I dash into the bathroom. The second the stall door is locked, I lean against it, resting my head back and closing my eyes.
I’m not gonna puke.
I just needed to get out of there.
Is this how my dad felt when Mom told him she was pregnant?
She’s never given me the deets on how he reacted, just that he bailed. And the look on her face the few times she told me over the years has always been the same. He hurt her so fucking badly when he did that.
I refuse to be like him.
I have to find Caroline. Now.
Flinging the door back, I march out of the bathroom and have no idea where the hell to even start looking. I should text her. I’ve still got her number from when she texted me, but does she even want to hear from me?
She looked pretty pissed storming off down the street. I don’t want to make things worse, but… shit!
What if she never wants to speak to me again?