Page 48 of The Game Changer
I stare at it for a moment, then force my eyes back to these books. But I can’t even decide which one to read. This is hopeless!
“I’m gonna take a quick shower.” I jump off the bed, needing to do something with my body. Movement is good. Maybe I can do shower aerobics or something.
Yeah, and break your tailbone when you slip.
Shutting the bathroom door a little too hard, I turn on the spray and start to undress. As the air hits my exposed skin, my brain starts taunting me with images of Casey. He was so close to me this afternoon, I could smell his deodorant. It was this intoxicating scent that had my lady parts dancing. My insides quiver as I feel myself on his knee again. His lips were close enough to kiss, and I’m sure he wanted to.
He wants to kiss anyone with boobs and a V-jay.
The reminder makes me frown, but then my mind jumps back to January, when he was so close. Inside-me close, his fingers gripping my ankles, his lips nibbling my toes.
I circle my erect nipples, then give them a light pinch. My body zings with pleasure, and I can’t help an indulgent smile as I step under the hot spray. The water droplets soon become Casey’s kisses, peppering my skin.
Leaning back against the glass, I lift my foot, resting it on the tiles as I picture Casey kneeling before me. His hot tongue would do dirty things to me, and as my fingers circle my swollen clit, I close my eyes and take myself back to that sorority house bed.
Casey teasing my clit. Casey lifting my legs and thrusting into me. Casey’s fingers squeezing my breasts, his mouth devouring mine, his teeth lightly scraping my skin.
Quick gasps punch out of me as I build to a climax, my hormones on overdrive as I move my fingers faster and faster—a rush to the pleasure line. It takes mere seconds for the orgasm to hit me, and I splinter apart in the shower, shoving my fingers inside myself and clamping my lips together against a loud wail that will no doubt capture Lani’s attention.
My body is heaving as I stand there and let the vibrations work through me. What I wouldn’t give for Casey’s dick to spear me right now. How I wouldn’t love to take it from him—hard, fast thrusts or slow, long ones. Whatever, I’m seriously up for anything, because touching myself doesn’t feel like enough.
I want more.
I need more.
Actually, I kind of do. Like seriously. I read in my research this week that due to increased blood flow in the area, my V-jay is wetter and more sensitive than usual. I have an increased libido. It even said that I should take advantage of this time with my partner.
Problem is… I don’t have a partner.
You have Casey. He said he’d be there for whatever you need.
“Oh, that’s so tempting,” I whisper into the shower spray before plunging my face beneath the water and trying to be logical about this.
By the time I’m done washing and soaking, I think I’ve managed to talk myself out of the idea. It’d be a huge mistake, turning Casey into my on-call fuck buddy. Our relationship is complicated enough as it is.
Disappointment sears me as I dry off and slip back into bed. Lani’s already turned her light off, and I pull the covers up to my chin and try not to think about how great having sex with Casey again would be.
But it’s a bad idea.
The worst.
Biting my bottom lip, I try to stop my smile from growing, but I can’t.
It might be the worst idea, but oh, it would so be the best experience.
I wipe my face down after my morning workout. I pushed hard today, needing to expel whatever this energy is inside me. Ever since Sunday, I’ve been restless. My brain is a constant tornado, and it’s driving me fucking insane.
But there’s nothing I can do about any of this shit.
I can’t force Caroline into a quick decision over such a massive issue.
The thought that I’m gonna be a dad haunts me. I’m not ready. I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. It kept me awake for hours last night, panic sizzling through me as I tried to imagine what life will be like if she keeps it.